The Great Awakening-In God We Trust


Our Country and Our Children deserve better-lets do all we can to RESTORE AMERICA'S EXCEPTIONALISM -EDUCATION IS IMPORTANT!!! OUR CHILDREN ARE OUR FUTURE!!

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Education News, Policies, and Opinions



February 9, 2011
Regular Meeting
7:00 p.m.
Walter R. Sundling Junior High School
1100 North Smith Street, Palatine

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Video Schedule

March 2, 2011 (1)

Regular Meeting
7:00 p.m.
Walter R. Sundling Junior High School
1100 North Smith Street, Palatine

Meeting Notice (PDF 76KB)
Agenda (PDF KB)     
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Board Briefs (PDF KB)
Draft Minutes (PDF KB)   
Video Schedule

March 16, 2011 (1)

Regular Meeting
7:00 p.m.
Walter R. Sundling Junior High School
1100 North Smith Street, Palatine

Meeting Notice (PDF 76KB)

April 13, 2011
Regular Meeting
7:00 p.m.
Walter R. Sundling Junior High School
1100 North Smith Street, Palatine

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Board Briefs (PDF KB)
Draft Minutes (PDF KB)   
Video Schedule

April 27, 2011 (2)
Organizational Meeting
7:00 p.m.
Walter R. Sundling Junior High School
1100 North Smith Street, Palatine

Meeting Notice (PDF 76KB)
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Video Schedule

May 11, 2011
Regular Meeting
7:00 p.m.
Walter R. Sundling Junior High School
1100 North Smith Street, Palatine

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Board Briefs (PDF KB)
Draft Minutes (PDF KB)   
Video Schedule

May 25, 2011
Retirement Reception
7:00 p.m.
Walter R. Sundling Junior High School
1100 North Smith Street, Palatine

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Board Briefs (PDF KB)
Draft Minutes (PDF KB)   
Video Schedule

June 15, 2011
Regular Meeting
7:00 p.m.
Walter R. Sundling Junior High School
1100 North Smith Street, Palatine
Agenda (PDF KB)     
Agenda Attachments (PDF MB)
Board Briefs (PDF KB)
Draft Minutes (PDF KB)   
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“What Common Core and this data collection system really is, the easiest way to understand it, and this is my personal understanding and my personal opinion.  I want to separate fact from my opinion so you’re very clear.  But the best way I think to describe it is, you know how China goes in and they find the kids that have the most talent for gymnastics and they’ll say, that kid’s going to be fantastic as a gymnast.  That kid is a great mathematician.  He’s going to work in our nuclear power programs.  That’s what happens.  By the time you’re 7, your lot is cast,” Glenn explained.

“That’s exactly what this is and that’s why these corporations want this so much.  Because they will cast the lots, they will find the best workers by the time they’re 7 and then they will enrich and empower and educate those kids.  But if your kid, God forbid, ends up like me when I was 7 or 8, I don’t have a chance.  I will be a cog in the machine forever, and you will ‑‑ there will be no escape.  There will be no college education.”

“What you will see is state capitalism. Google, Microsoft, GE, data mining our schools to nudge our children into the job the State deems the most needed for the future,” Glenn warned.

GE is one of the companies funding Common Core through it’s foundation.

Now, most parents would assume that any information collected on their kids by the schools would be protected by some kind of privacy laws, right? Not anymore.

from glen beck here

Our children are under attack in our society.

They’re being warped, brainwashed, manipulated, and abused.

As celebrities, businesspeople, teachers, parents, and everyone in between attended the Super Bowl this past February without masks, their kids were sent shuffling into school with an oxygen-restricting muzzle strapped firmly to their face the next day.

A muzzle they’ve been forced to wear for two years straight.

But that’s the least of our worries about what’s happening to children in public schools.

Depending on where you live, schoolteachers are teaching some pretty extreme and dangerous ideas.

  • "There is no future because climate change will destroy the world by the time you’re an adult."

  • "There are more than 72 genders and you should be allowed to use life-altering therapies and drugs to change your body before you’ve even hit puberty."
  • "Socialism and Marxism are moral and good, free markets and capitalism are evil."

  • "White people are born racist and will always be that way even if it seems like they’re not."

  • "The government and democracy are the best ways to organize society and are here to serve you."

That’s just a small slice of the brainwashing currently being thrust upon children, including elementary-aged kids.

Also, if you know the history of public schools by studying the works of brilliant historians and award-winning teachers like John Taylor Gatto, then you know government schooling was explicitly invented in the late 19th and early 20th centuries to indoctrinate children into being obedient citizens and soldiers to serve the State and big corporations.

All of which is why…

We should not allow kids to be imprisoned in government school hellholes.

Create a homeschool alternative educational options of a beautiful network of homeschooling families, a homeschooling coop, that shares in the responsibility of teaching our children how to be intelligent, creative, peaceful, compassionate, moral, and free human beings.

You know, all the things public school intentionally sucks out of kids.

Teaching children to love liberty, truth, and each other practically guarantees that society will be made better when they’re old enough to affect it.

This is why homeschooling and alternative educational options are a key

Competition from charter schools can make public schools step up their game | Opinion

Michael J. Petrilli and Nathaniel Grossman
Guest columnists

Recently, American Classical Academy – a K-12 charter school network that promises students a traditional liberal arts education – saw its applications for three new Tennessee charter schools rejected by local school boards. ACA appealed these decisions to the Tennessee Public Charter School Commission, but eventually withdrew its applications when defeat became obvious.

ACA has struggled to create stable school leadership and balanced budgets in the past. Resistance to the charter network might also have been influenced by state politics. ACA was founded by Hillsdale College, whose president, Larry Arnn, was caught on video making inflammatory comments about education schools earlier this year.

Jazmine Ledbetter holds a sign in support of American Classical Academy during an appeals hearing concerning the charter school's application at the Clarksville-Montgomery County School System district office in Clarksville, Tenn. on Sep. 16, 2022.

In the end, ACA didn’t make the cut, but that failure shouldn’t taint all charter schools. That’s because charters still hold enormous benefits for students.

On average, charter schools – public schools of choice that are operated as independent organizations – drive student learning. Evidence from the Volunteer State supports this. Studies conducted by Stanford University in 2015 and 2019 found that charter school students in Nashville and Memphis gained more days of reading and math instruction than students who attended traditional public schools in the same districts.

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Michael Petrilli

But a more recent study reveals something interesting: The gap between students in Memphis charter schools and those in traditional public schools has narrowed considerably. This could be evidence that the presence of charters motivated the district to improve.

If so, it aligns with at least a dozen academic studies that show competition from charter schools has positive effects on the academic achievement of students who remain in traditional public schools. In fact, our organization – the Thomas B. Fordham Institute – found these competitive effects are so profound that they benefit entire metropolitan areas, especially for low-income, Black and Hispanic students. Perhaps that’s why another Fordham report found that the Memphis metro area ranked second in the nation in helping students make academic progress.

Despite these demonstrated benefits, charter schools face stiff opposition from entrenched bureaucracies. The Nashville school district in particular has a history of rejecting charters, even those with proven track records, such as KIPP. Thankfully, the Charter School Commission recently overturned one of these rejections by an 8-0 vote.

Nathaniel Grossman

Expect even more pushback from the education establishment when Tennessee’s new school funding model goes into effect. In the new system, state funding will follow individual students to their schools of choice rather than automatically flowing into the coffers of their residentially-zoned districts. If students in failing schools begin fleeing for charter schools, the pressure will be on school districts to improve their lowest-performing schools or risk taking a financial hit. It will be a victory for students, as well as for charter schools, which were disadvantaged by the expiring formula.


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