The Great Awakening-In God We Trust

LTE-Letters to The Editor by: TGA Director of Media John Hilt


LTE-Letters to The Editor by: TGA Director of Media John Hilt

The group sends Letters to The Editor on a variety of topics.

Members: 11
Latest Activity: Sep 11, 2013

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 here is the flyer for the event feel free to copy and pass around to AWAKEN AMERICA...... Continue

Started by carol ann parisi. Last reply by jackie menconi Sep 11, 2013.

Flyer for event June 17, 2013 available here

Islam%20the%20future%20of%20america.jpg   here is the flyer for the event feel free to copy…Continue

Started by carol ann parisi Jun 11, 2013.


First, you need a Twitter account. Go to and fill out the form on the right of the page with your name, email, and…Continue

Started by carol ann parisi May 1, 2012.


Go here for LTE in Daily Herald: Suntimes:…Continue

Started by carol ann parisi Feb 7, 2012.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of LTE-Letters to The Editor by: TGA Director of Media John Hilt to add comments!

Comment by John Hilt on July 26, 2012 at 9:41pm

Any luck with those letters, troops?  I know it can be hard to think it's going to be easy, until you sit down & try to start!  I finally got my prototype Agenda letter done on the Wed. still needs a little polishing.  Got some critique on it from Jackie Menconi.  Try to write, folks...these Agenda letters will help keep this important film in the limelight.  Any letters don't get published at the Herald, can be sent to other publications.  We'll find an outlet for them, someplace.

Comment by John Hilt on July 21, 2012 at 7:20am

Everyone,  it's time for more Letters to the Editor....we need you to write about your experience at the Agenda movie.  You have the option of just writing a short, general blurb, or of going into more are some possible details that could be discussed:   What part(s) of the movie affected you most?   Were there parts that were intriguing, but left you wanting more information?  Were issues discussed that you had already been wondering about? Were new issues discussed that you had never thought about before?

Please send your prototype letters to Carol.   Thank You!

Comment by carol ann parisi on May 17, 2012 at 5:43pm

welcome Suzi

Comment by John Hilt on May 17, 2012 at 1:14pm

Suzie Ejzak recently joined LTE Group.....Welcome, Suzie!  

Comment by carol ann parisi on February 22, 2012 at 10:37am




Comment by John Hilt on July 29, 2011 at 10:29am

Hello everyone!  Looks like it's time for some more Letters to the Editor, given the recent (fairey) tales in the papers about our Representative.  Would like everyone to try and lay out the bare bones of an LTE this weekend, and hopefully polish it enough to send by Monday.

     I will review the issues and post another message this afternoon.  My understanding at present is that the main issue is a child support issue.  More later.            John

Comment by carol ann parisi on June 1, 2011 at 9:17am

Please write letters for Editor for Joe Walsh event May 19, 2011

here is a review of event

Comment by jackie menconi on May 23, 2011 at 9:20am
Good Job Dee great letter thanks for getting is in the paper.
Comment by carol ann parisi on May 23, 2011 at 7:38am



Article updated: 5/22/2011 8:06 AM

Courage needed to fix pension system

text size: AAA

Government pensions were originally intended to attract talented employees to traditionally low salary government service jobs. Retirement was an implied future compensation in exchange for accepting a salary below the private sector equivalent. Over time the salary gap between private sector and government jobs has disappeared, but the pension system has not changed.

As a member of Americans for Prosperity, I am writing to urge you to take the courageous path and support reform of our broken state pension system. We now have unfunded liabilities that we can simply no longer maintain. The system needs to be reformed so it can function within the scope of reality, pure and simple. The only other alternative is bankruptcy. We must face facts and take the necessary steps to avoid this preventable disaster.


The first step was made last year with pension reform for new state employees. Now we must take the next step by modifying the future pension plan for current employees. It is perfectly reasonable for Illinois taxpayers to ask state employees to contribute more toward their own retirement plans. State employees should be given the choice between a defined contribution plan, the reformed defined benefit plan that was enacted in the spring of 2010, or the current defined contribution plan with increased employee contribution levels. This will allow employees to pick the option that works best for their personal situation. Additionally, the retirement age must be raised to at least 65 for all state employees.

Illinois is broke, but together we can fix it if our lawmakers will have the courage to vote in favor of these difficult reforms.

Diane Fatouros


Read more:
Comment by John Hilt on May 9, 2011 at 12:49pm



It's important to print copies of your LTE's as the copies will be used as part of the "Day Of Deliverance" packages that will be delivered to targeted legislators.  These packages will include LTE's, letters to individual legislators, and petitions.  This type of campaign has been proven to be extremely effective in swaying congresspersons.

     In order to get copies we can use, here are necessary steps:

STEPS FOR 'PRINTING'  (modify these steps as necessary)

1)  After your email is composed, and BEFORE "sending" it, click "print".  Of 

     course, you'll need to be connected to a printer.

     In addition to the first couple paragraphs of your text, the printout should 

     include some graphics from your computer screen, such as the "To" bar,

     the "Cc" bar, etc.   This shows that you actually sent an email.

2)  Probably, your LTE will be too long to be visible in it's entirety in the 

     email copy that you make.  If so, you'll want to type it again in Word or

     other format, so we can have a complete copy of the text.  We'll staple

     the two together and present them as one document to the targeted


Your work is GREATLY appreciated, troops! Not just by me.......I mean by everyone!  Frank and I were precinct-walking last Saturday, and we got thanked for our work by several of the people we spoke with.  You other walkers know what I'm talking about;  I'm sure you've all gotten your share of thank-you's!

John       312-671-0909



Members (10)



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