The Great Awakening-In God We Trust


Stand for Truth and Biblical Marriage

Tell Your Senators to Vote “NO!” on Radical Gay Marriage Bill

Just recently, we celebrated the Supreme Court siding with the Word of God and overturning the unbiblical and unconstitutional Roe v Wade decision—sending the issue of the right to life back to the states to decide. 
It was a major victory for righteousness and something that every Christian should be praising and thanking God for, amen!
In the days after we received that good report, I also heard that one of the conservative justices said the Court should reconsider some other cases—including the one that allowed gay marriage (Obergefell v Hodges). It’s encouraging to see things turning around in America and that truth is winning! Praise the Lord!
But I’ll tell you, it didn’t take long for the Democrats in Washington to jump on these issues like a chicken on a June bug. I think these liberals are seeing writing on the wall and they are doing everything they can to institutionalize murder and perversion before they potentially lose power in the midterm elections.

Gay Marriage Bill in Congress

Our friend Mat Staver of Liberty Counsel recently alerted us to a gay marriage bill going through Congress right now. The so-called “Respect for Marriage Act” (HR 8404) would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, which reaffirmed the biblical definition of marriage as between one man and one woman (Gen. 2:24, 1 Cor. 7:2, and Heb. 13:4), and require recognition of gay marriage nationwide.
When this gay marriage bill went to the House, 47 Republicans voted for it. That’s just terrible. As Christians, we need to start electing godly people who will vote according to the Bible and the Constitution.
The Word of God has a lot to say about the issues we’re facing in society today. If we stay silent, the unbelievers—those who don’t have a biblical worldview—are going to be the ones establishing all the policies, determining what we can and can’t say, and what we can and can’t do.

An Attack on Religious Liberty

You may remember that Liberty Counsel represented Kim Davis, the county clerk in Kentucky who refused to compromise her beliefs by signing marriage certificates for homosexual couples. Kim spent time in prison for standing for truth, but in the end the state relented and passed a law protecting the religious liberty of public officials.
According to Mat, if this gay marriage bill is passed, all those protections will go away. It will be a threat to religious liberty—and it won’t stop at the county courthouse. How long will it be before pastors are not just persecuted for preaching and teaching what the Word says about homosexuality, but prosecuted?
Brothers and sisters, there is a civil war going on in America today, but it is not political. Sure, courtrooms and the halls of Congress are battlegrounds, but the war itself is between light and dark—the truth of the Gospel and the lies of the devil. It’s between the people of God and the children of the devil.
In this war, the enemy tries to hide his true objectives behind the mask of political correctness and inclusion. But make no mistake —the real goal is the elimination of God and His influence from society so people can indulge in their carnal lifestyles without conviction or guilt.

Protecting Freedom to Share the Gospel

The way to win this war and save the character of this nation is to change the moral character of its people with the Gospel. I heard our friend Bill Federer say the most important thing for Christians is to share the Gospel and get people born-again—and the next most important thing is to protect our freedom to share the Gospel and get people born-again
It’s now politically correct to say that homosexuality is genetic, that people are born that way and we just have to accept it. That is just wrong, wrong, wrong. We need to share the Gospel and help people get born again, then let the Word of God change their way of thinking. They’ll learn that in the beginning, God created them Adam and Eve—man and woman (Gen. 1:27 and Matt. 19:4)—not Adam and Steve!
The Supreme Court’s ruling in 2015 on gay marriage got my attention. I saw the country moving in the wrong direction and I decided to do something about it. Along with a number of my friends, we formed the Truth & Liberty Coalition to address issues like abortion, homosexuality, socialism and other things that are contrary to the Word of God.
Now, we are starting to see the fruit of our labor. People are waking up to the truth and learning to see the world through the lens of a biblical worldview. We haven’t arrived at the day when this nation fully embraces godly values—but we’ve left!

Taking a Stand

The Truth & Liberty Coalition is a clearinghouse of resources designed to help get you involved and make a difference in your nation! For example, our friend Tony Perkins at FRC Action has made it easy to contact your U.S. Senators about this bill, and I encourage you to do so.

We need to take a stand before this bill gets through the Senate and ends up on Joe Biden’s desk. Take a stand for biblical marriage between a man and a woman, and for religious liberty, by telling your senators to vote “NO!” on the gay marriage bill, HR 8404. 
On March 5, 2021, the Lord told me that we are in the Third Great Awakening in America. The First Great Awakening occasioned the birth of this nation. The Second Great Awakening brought about the end of slavery. 
In the Third Great Awakening, we could see the turning of America back toward God and end of abortion and gay marriage in our lifetime. We can see it happen if we work together and take a stand for truth!
Truth & Liberty Coalition

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Comment by carol ann parisi on July 26, 2022 at 5:05pm

CHIPS Bailout

Late Tuesday morning (TODAY), the Senate voted on the CHIPS Act, (H.R. 4346), a $250 billion package that blends corporate welfare with industrial policy. The cloture vote passed 64-32. The final vote, which only requires a simple majority (51 votes), can be held after 30 hours of “post-cloture” debate.

So the Senate could vote on final passage as soon as Wednesday night—possibly sooner if the entire Senate agrees by unanimous consent to speed up the process. The CHIPS Act will then go to the House for consideration.

This bad bill will authorize hundreds of billions of dollars in new spending and corporate bailouts to big tech companies with little to no accountability to how they use the funding. Much of this funding will ultimately just pass through to their Chinese business interests. This means that U.S. taxpayer dollars will directly subsidize and support the Chinese economy.

This bill will do little to address the multitude of threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and would create more spending at a time when consumers face a staggering 9.1% inflation rate. Heritage Action has proposed conservative solutions to the China th... This bill misses the mark, and will be a key vote NO on Heritage Action’s scorecard.

Build Back Broke

While the “Build Back Better” deal has shrunk considerably in the last year, conservatives must oppose the BBB package by any name. The most recent draft is a TRILLION-dollar disaster in wasteful spending, and it’s currently going through the “Byrd Bath,” determining whether all provisions meet the criteria to pass via the reconciliation process (more on how it works), before it can be considered for a vote in the Senate.

Under the reconciliation process, a bill is not subject to the filibuster and only needs 51 votes. So there is a real chance this bill could pass if Democrats stay united and vice president Harris casts the 51st vote.

Here are some of the current problems with the bill:

  • Spends billions to prop up a failed Obamacare system. Extending Obamacare subsidies is a blatant attempt to dole out cash to politically favored constituencies ahead of an election. The crisis is one of Democrats’ own creation: they added extra subsidies to Obamacare plans as part of the trillions of COVID spending dollars. Now voters will see the true cost of their healthcare.
  • Imposes soviet-style price-controls on prescription medications. This is just the first step in imposing price controls across the entire health care sector, pushing the country closer to a full-blown government-run health care system and government rationing, and limiting access to care.
  • It’s more inflationary spending at a time of record inflation.

This bill raises health care costs for the 82% of Americans not on Medicare, and increases and prolongs the inflation crisis with more government spending.

>> Take Action: Call your representative and two senators and urge them to oppose the Build Back Better bill.

Defending Marriage and Religious Liberty

Last week the House passed the “Respect for Marriage Act” (H.R. 8404), and it is unclear when a vote in the Senate could occur. This deceptively named bill would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and radically redefine marriage under federal law, far beyond the issue of same-sex marriage. This bill:

  • Radically redefines marriage: States would no longer be allowed to recognize marriage as a legal union between a man and a woman. Instead, they would be forced to recognize any union between individuals, regardless of sex, as marriage. Concerningly, the bill would even require states and individuals to recognize any kind of relationship deemed to be marriage such as polygamy, against their own religious or conscience objections, if just one other state recognizes it in law.
  • Threatens religious liberty: The bill would imply that individuals who support traditional marriage hold bigoted views, and would exclude and marginalize those who disagree with the Left’s position on same-sex marriage. The IRS could even use this bill to punish religious non-profits and infringe on the exercise of religious liberty.
  • Undermines the nuclear family: While a child is intrinsically valuable and equal no matter the circumstances of their birth or childhood, the best way for a child to grow up is in a family with a married mother and father who will love, guide, and protect them throughout their lives. The Left’s attacks on the nuclear family and marriage are tearing at the soul of our country. Marriage is not some mere social convention authorized by the state. It is a key civilizational pillar for which conservatives should fight.

It is possible a vote could occur later this week, but with Sens. Manchin and Murkowski announcing they have contracted COVID, it is looking more likely that a vote would be bumped to early September after the August recess. While there are 4-5 Republican senators who have indicated they will vote for the bill, there are a number who remain on the fence or have not made their position clear.

>> Take Action: Call your senators and urge them to oppose H.R. 8404.


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