The Great Awakening-In God We Trust


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With enough calls, we can stop this bill—we’ve already done it TWICE before! That’s right, over the past year, concerned Americans have already stopped TWO previous versions of this bill. If everyone reading this email calls today, our voices will be heard.

Here’s how the latest version of Biden’s “Build Back Better” will harm America:

  • It wastes tax dollars to prop up the failed Obamacare system – As part of the Democrats’ reckless multi-trillion dollar COVID spending, Congress spent billions to prop up Obamacare with subsidies. These subsidies are set to expire in October and Americans will see the true cost of Obamacare. Biden wants to keep spending to prop up Obamacare so voters don’t learn about his failed policy right before the midterm elections.
  • It imposes Soviet-style price-controls which will reduce new research – BBB gives the federal government power to dictate prices it will pay for certain prescription drugs purchased through Medicare. This will lead businesses to decrease their research and investment in new medicines. In 1986, European firms led the U.S. in spending on pharmaceutical research and development by 24%. But after the imposition of price control regimes, they fell behind. By 2015, they lagged the U.S. by 40%. We can’t let the same thing happen in America!
  • It raises healthcare costs for the 82% of Americans not on medicare – Because of government price controls on prescription drugs, costs will be shifted onto other products and to customers in the private market. Congress is legislating a sweetheart deal for the U.S. government that will be paid for by the 82% of Americans not covered by medicare. BBB’s end result: costs for prescription medications will skyrocket!
  • It raises taxes by $739 BILLION – Ultimately, consumers are the ones who end up footing the bill for tax increases. Taxes are passed along in the cost of goods and services we pay for—higher taxes means higher prices! Make no mistake—working Americans will foot the bill. And what for? Biden wants these new taxes to pay for green energy projects—more government grants and contracts for D.C. special-interests.
  • BBB spends too much and fuels inflation – Inflation is already 9.1% and it’s even higher for essential goods. Food is up 10%, rent is up 15%, and gas is up 60%! A TRILLION dollars of new taxes and spending will fuel inflation and kill the American Dream.

That’s FIVE reasons to oppose this bill.

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Comment by carol ann parisi on August 1, 2022 at 2:29pm


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