spread the word on this and get some of YOUR MONEY BACK!!!!
Giving Union Members a Choice: How to Get Union Dues Refunds
Last summer, unions spent an estimated $10 million on the Democratic primary in Arkansas in a failed attempt to defeat then-Senator Blanche Lincoln. It was $10 million worth of their members’ dues that was wasted. Unions did not waste their members’ money because Blanche Lincoln opposed higher wages or better benefits. Union bosses wasted their members’ money because Blanche Lincoln fell out of union bosses’ favor for not by backing the job-killing Employee Free Choice Act (aka card-check).
On the mid-terms, unions spent hundreds of millions on voter registration, campaign donations, TV ads, manpower and GOTV efforts. Nearly all of that money went to union-bought Democrats.
In 1988, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that union members who object to having their union dues spent on politics can get a refund for the portion of their dues used for politics. Since then, however, many union members have found the process of getting their dues refunds an burdensome process.
This week, at CPAC, Republican Saul Anuzis (a former member of the Teamsters) announced the launch of a new website specifically designed to give union members assistance in getting refunds for the portion of their dues used on politics. It is not “anti-union,” it is a site with one purpose—to help union members who do NOT want their dues money used on politics, regardless of party.
The site is UnionRefund.org

According to UnionRefund.org:
UnionRefund.org is NOT a political action organization. It is not tied to any political party. It does not run candidates for election, and it does not financially support or endorse candidates. It neither opposes nor endorses legislation.
UnionRefund.org is a project designed to help educate, organize and assist union members nationwide in exercising their “Beck rights” as set forth by the U.S. Supreme Court.
Imagine how better off this country could be if union members’ money wasn’t being used to elect politicians who care more for serving their union masters then serving all Americans.
Take a look at UnionRefund.org and send it along to those union members who may not want their money used supporting candidates and causes that are bringing the nation to its knees.
“I bring reason to your ears, and, in language as plain as ABC, hold up truth to your eyes.” Thomas Paine, December 23, 1776
GO HERE http://www.laborunionreport.com/portal/2011/02/giving-union-members...
Frequently Asked Questions
I'm a member of a union, how do I get my money back?
On UnionRefund.org you can make your own choices about how your working dues are spent. If you think that your hard earned dues should be spent on collective bargaining alone and not on politics, campaigns or lobbying you are what is called a "Beck Objector" and you can get some of your dues back.
Where you live tells you how much money you can get back from your Union:
What is the difference between a Right to Work Vs. Union Security Clause State?
Getting part of your dues back is a "Beck Refund" To get your Beck refund, find out if you are a member of a Labor union. If you are a union member and you decide you want to get your Beck refund, you can choose to end your union membership. Beck means when you become a non- member of a Union, in either a right to work or union security clause state you have the right to get your union dues back. What you get back is determined by what kind of state you live in.
As a non-member in a Right to Work Sate you do not get your Beck Refund back; instead, as a non-member, you no longer have to pay any dues to your union at all. Twenty-Eight states allow union security clauses in your labor contract forcing you to pay union dues; therefore, you must pay those dues but of those dues the part that you “object to” paying you get back as your Beck refund. In the Twenty-Two Right to Work States you do not have to pay forced dues.In a Right to Work State you can resign from a union at anytime because it is what you want to do.
Click here to check out what kind of state you live in. Remember becoming a "non member" is essential to getting your full Beck refund back or ending all dues to your union depending on if you live in a Union Security Clause State vs. a Right to Work state.
What I expect from UnionRefund.org
As a Beck Objector you are saying no to paying the portion of your dues you would have to pay to your union for work done on lobbying, campaigns and politics. UnionRefund.org will give you an estimate of your full Beck refund based on your Beck objection to such union political spending. You will be able to fill out our Beck Refund letter based on our estimate and send it to your local union to get your money back.
When you send your Union Refund letter from this website you can expect the following to happen from your union:
1) The union must and will stop charging you dues for the political work you are objecting to as a "Beck objector."
2) The union will give you the percentage and basis for your Beck refund.
3) You can challenge the union's amount of your Beck refund based on what they say is political expense versus collective bargaining expense.
Find your union now from the drop down menu below and go to claiming your Beck refund.
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