The Great Awakening-In God We Trust


DNC Platform: We Want World Class Education. Translation: More Union Money & Power

Steve Jobs: Teacher’s Union Foe

By Bill Korach

The Democratic Party has long made the assertion that they are the party of education and teachers. It is a part of their long-standing claim that they are the party that “cares,” and even the party that owns the moral high ground. However, there is ample proof that the Democratic party is owned by the unions, and there is no stronger union that the Teachers union. The teachers unions, the National Education Association (NEA) and the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) have stood in the way of every reform that would have elevated student performance. “Steve Jobs,” by Walter Isaacson said Jobs felt unions were THE problem:

“Jobs also attacked America’s education system, saying that it was hopelessly antiquated and crippled by union work rules. Until the teachers’ unions were broken, there was almost no hope for education reform.”

The NEA and the UFT have opposed merit pay, and the separation of poor performing teachers. The NEA and the UFT have kept minority students in poverty through schools that don’t perform at all. The unions take in over $2 Billion in dues each year and use that money for political purposes according to “Shadowbosses” by Mallory Factor. And 100% of that money goes to the Democratic Party.

Here are the high-minded words in the DNC Platform:

A World Class Education for Every Child

“In the 21st century, where the most valuable skill is knowledge, countries that out-educate us today will out-compete us tomorrow. Americans made it clear that it is morally and economically unacceptable that our high-schoolers continue to score lower on math and science tests than most other students in the world and continue to drop-out at higher rates than their peers in other industrialized nations. We cannot accept the persistent achievement gap between minority and white students or the harmful disparities that exist between different schools within a state or even a district. Americans know we can and should do better.……….”

We must prepare all our students with the 21st century skills they need to succeed by progressing to a new era of mutual responsibility in education. We must set high standards for our children, but we must also hold ourselves accountable–our schools, our teachers, our parents, business leaders, our community and our elected leaders.”

So, how have the Democrats and their union allies delivered on their perpetual promise to improve education?

◦“Our student’s ignorance of American history is a threat to national security” David McCullough, Pulitzer Prize winning author of 1776 and John Adams
◦90% of K-12 children are educated in public schools. “America spends $10,000 per student per year: 68% more than Germany; 33% more than Japan, 84% more than Korea. And 14% more than UK, yet these countries outperform us in Math and science by a wide margin.” ShadowBosses Mallory Factor
◦Almost no one believes that our public schools are doing a passable job of teaching American and Western Civilization. Modern humanities education starts from the bizarre premise that students must be cured of the Europe centered, misogynist, bigoted ideas of the past. Many American children have never heard a good word for the United States, the West, Judaism or Christianity in their whole lives. David Gelernter, a professor of computer science at Yale July 3, 2012 Wall Street Journal:
◦“America’s math and science high school student science technology and math (STEM) scores rank in the bottom 1/3 of developed nations.” McKinsey Study
◦Department of Education budget skyrocketed from $14 Billion in 1978 to $80 Billion for 2012 as reading and math scores stagnate or plummet
◦33% of 4th graders are functionally illiterate according to 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress
◦NY spends $17,000 per pupil but 4 out of 10 will never see a HS diploma
◦The US high school drop out rate is 23% about the poorest performance of any developed economy in the world.

According to Mallory Factor in Shadowbosses teacher’s unions and their Democrats allies have caused great harm to learning.
◦Union seniority & tenure trumps ability in determining teacher pay
◦Union promotes radicalism-supported Occupy Wall St in NY & provided logistics & student day off
◦Collect $2 Billion in dues, & 70% goes to elect liberal democrats, conservatives are the enemy. Union marchers are paid. Unions have pledged at least $50 Million to reelct Obama
◦Teaching used to be around subjects, now it is around attitudes, feelings and beliefs. Thus “multi culturalism” anti capitalism anti western thought are enacted
◦2/3 of teachers under union control & so called collective bargaining
◦Union calls for smaller class sizes are for union power & have nothing to do with learning.
◦ACT: Only 25% of HS Students Prepared for College, Yet unions Fight Teacher Performance Evaluations

Yet in spite of all of this, President Obama is calling for even more union benefits. Just prior to the convention, he called for smaller class size when there is no evidence that smaller class size improved performance. However the Teacher’s unions like smaller class size because you have to hire more teachers.

One of President Obama’s early mentors, Bill Ayers gave his opinion of the purpose of education.

An idea of what [Bill] Ayers has in mind for America’s schools was provided in his own words not 40 years ago when Obama was eight years old, but less than two years ago in November 2006 at the World Education Forum in Caracas hosted by dictator Hugo Chavez. With Chavez at his side, Ayers voiced his support for ‘the political educational reforms under way here in Venezuela under the leadership of President Chavez. We share the belief that education is the motor-force of revolution. . . . I look forward to seeing how . . . all of you continue to overcome the failures of capitalist education as you seek to create something truly new and deeply humane.’ Ayers told the great humanitarian Chavez: ‘Teaching invites transformations, it urges revolutions large and small. La educacion es revolucion.’” – Investors Business Daily, October 7, 2008.

When Democrats say they support education, what they really mean is they support their union allies, and classroom propaganda not world class education.

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