The Great Awakening-In God We Trust


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Melissa Beans voting record and actions under the 111th Congress are unacceptable and do not represent the majority of the people which live inside District 8. Her reckless spending spree with our money need to come to a halt. Melissa Bean refuses to meet with her Constituents to discuss what the 8th District needs…… and that is JOBS and ECONOMIC GROWTH..Melissa Beans voting record has created a hostile environment for economic growth and job creation. All it has done is create Bigger Government and Unsustainable Debt for our children and Grandchildren. UNEMPLOYMENT, POVERTY AND FORCLOSURE ARE AT AN ALL TIME HIGH and she does not want to discuss these issues       MELISSA BEAN IS OUT OF TOUCH WITH THE AVERAGE AMERICAN IN THE 8TH DISTRICT…


Melissa Bean works for YOU the taxpayer. Her actions are unacceptable and are out of touch with the people inside District 8. Pease remember the following at the voting polls in November.




● Voted YES on 08/10/2010 – $26 billion (Jobs Bill)

● Voted YES on 06/30/2010 – Financial Reform Bill

● Voted YES on 02/04/2010 - Increasing the Debt Limit 1.9 Trillion

● Voted YES on 11/07/2009 - Government Run Healthcare

● Voted YES on 11/07/2009 - Federally Funded Abortion Services

● Voted YES on 07/31/2009 - Cash for Clunkers

● Voted YES on 06/26/2009 - Cap and Trade

● Voted YES on 01/28/2009 - $787 billion (2009 Economic Package)

● Voted YES on 10/03/2008 - $700 billion (TARP)


Votes 90.2% with the Democrat Colleagues



  • Bean's 2010 campaign received PAC Contributions of $946,218. This amount represents 58% of Bean's Total Raised for this election cycle
  • Bean's 2008 campaign received PAC Contributions of $1,714,778. This amount represented 55% of Bean's Total Raised for this election cycle
  • Bean's 2006 campaign received PAC Contributions of $1,498,972. This amount represented 35% of Bean's Total Raised for this election cycle
  • Bean's 2004 campaign received thousands in monetary contributions from the AFL-CIO, the United Auto Workers, the United Steelworkers of America, and the Ironworkers Political Action League



● Supports Higher Taxes                                                           ● High Unemployment

● Massive Government growth of +50%                                     ● National Security

● Failed to “Read the bills”                                                         ● Record Deficits

● Failed Government Policies                                                    ● Redistribution

Falling U.S. Dollar                                                                  ● Failed Stimulus Bill

● Supports Bailouts                                                                  2008 Earmarks - $26,867,300

● Failed to “Listen to The People”                                               2009 Earmarks - $38,314,314

● National debt is increasing ($100,000,000+) an hour                2010 Earmarks - $25,271,000

● National debt ($13,500,000,000,000+). This is unacceptable and un-sustainable

● U.S. unfunded liabilities ($109,700,000,000,000+). This is unacceptable and un-sustainable

Views: 20


Replies to This Discussion

How Did Congressman
Melissa L. Bean Vote?
Congressman Melissa L. Bean
Democrat Representing Illinois’s 8th District
Congressman Bean's Key Votes:
Vote #1 Cap-and Trade Bill (American Clean Energy and Security Tax H.R. 2454)
Bean Voted: YES
A vote in favor of this bill established a “Cap-and-Trade” regime to reduce carbon emissions to slow “global
warming.” Also known as “Cap-and-Tax,” the bill would impose a new national energy tax costing each family
$3,000 per year on average. It is estimated to increase unemployment by 1,105,000 jobs per year.
Vote #2 Obamacare Private Health Care Takeover (Affordable Healthcare for America Act H.R. 3962)
Voted: YES
This Obamacare bill slashed Medicare benefits by nearly $500 billion for Seniors who paid into the system their
entire working lives, while increasing taxes $565 billion. The bill requires private insurers to add applicants with
pre-existing conditions and children to the age of 26, raising private health insurance costs for most working
Americans and small business. Bill mandates that 30 million Americans buy private insurance or receive free
government care. Bill provides for “rationing” for life-saving medical procedures. The Congressional Budget Office
estimates Obamacare will add $1 trillion to federal costs over the next decade.
Vote #3 Obama-Pelosi Stimulus (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act H.R. 1)
Voted: YES
A vote in favor of this bill approved $819 billion for President Obama’s stimulus program. One third of the
stimulus provided for funds to state and local government to keep public employees employed. Since passage of
the economic stimulus, unemployment has increased to 9.6%, the highest unemployment rate in 26 years.
Vote #4 Election of Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House
Voted: YES
The first and most consequential act of Congress, a vote in favor of Nancy Pelosi (Democrat-San Francisco) to be
Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives for the 111th Congress.



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