The Great Awakening-In God We Trust

 Help Stop Election Fraud
Republican Election Judges Needed 
Feb 22, 2011 Election

Earn $170.00        only 7 days left to sign up


All Cook County Republicans Welcome

You do not have to live in Chicago


We The People must fight to stop Chicago elections

from being subjected to fraud and cheating.

Judges of election are the officials who are responsible

for the conduct of the election in the precinct polling place. The judges of election are the backbone of the electoral process.  Their jobs are challenging, interesting and personally rewarding.

In each precinct, the judges share in responsibilities, duties and authorities that include:

(1) Opening the polling place and setting up voting equipment at 5 a.m. on Election Day.

(2) Conducting a fair and impartial election in the precinct polling place, allowing voting from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.  

(3) Tabulating the vote totals for the precinct and transmitting them to Election Central after the polls close at 7 p.m.



Download and fill out application here:


Mail or deliver completed application

before January 9th to:


Carl Segvich

11th Ward Republican Committeeman

3110 S. Wells St.

 Chicago, IL  60616





Judges of Election are paid $170.00 upon training and

and service on Tuesday, February 22, 2011.

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The only requirement is that the applicant be a Cook County Republican who voted Republican in his/her last primary which they voted. The person will work in Chicago's 11th Ward which is the neighborhood near White Sox Park on 35th Street. 



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