The Great Awakening-In God We Trust

  • FWD: Visualize the Debt‏

From: Jeff Frazee - YAL ( on behalf of Jeff Frazee - YAL (
Sent: Thu 3/03/11 4:58 PM
To: Friend (

Dear Friend,

Earlier today, I announced to our members YAL's nationwide activism event this March: "Visualize the Debt."  I'm including the email announcement below so you can read all the details.

Our goal is to engage more than 75 YAL chapters across the country to build a GIANT display on their campus to attract attention and visualize the size and scale of our national debt -- to make real the burden unfairly placed on all our shoulders, especially the next generation.

For example, the YAL chapter at Auburn University built a large-scale national debt display last semester and signed up more than 150 new chapter members.

Sadly, $2 trillion has been added to the debt since YAL Auburn's display
The combination of addressing a hot issue and creating a giant display increased awareness on campus and grew their numbers.

This month, I encouraged YAL chapters to replicate Auburn's success and organize a similar event during the last week of this month, March 28 - April 1.

If we succeed, this will be our largest nationwide activism event to date, as we address directly the most serious problem facing my generation.

To help its chapters participate, YAL will award chapters a $100 activism grant to purchase their materials.   YAL will also mail activism kits filled with recruitment and educational resources to distribute on campuses throughout the country.

I would like you to join me in this effort and invest in these student events. Can you contribute today and help me offset the costs for our chapters?
  • A $1,000 or more donation from you will support a full month's salary for a YAL Regional Director (our leaders based in seven different regions of the country) to coordinate at least 10 events in their territory.
  • Your $100 donation will provide an activism grant for a YAL chapter to purchase the hardware, paint, and other materials they need to construct a giant display on campus.
  • If you contribute $55, you will cover the costs to purchase and ship one box of recruitment and educational materials.
  • With your $25 donation, you will help support our over-worked and under-paid interns as they process and mail materials to chapters.
Please select one of these options and give as much as you can. Your donation will provide campus activists with the materials they need to educate and recruit more students to their chapters.

Our objective is to awaken a generation and mobilize informed young leaders to save this country. These events directly support our chapter growth and keep our youth movement active.

As the month progresses, and especially after this national activism week, I will follow up with you and share all the pictures, videos, and news stories which feature our numerous successes from our "Visualize the Debt" activism events.

This is a very exciting opportunity!  The is our largest effort yet to coordinate a nationwide activism project.  Thank you in advance for your contribution, which will directly help YAL reach thousands more students.

For liberty,

Jeff Frazee
Executive Director, YAL

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: YAL <>
Date: Thurs, Mar 2, 2011 at 11:44 AM
Subject: Visualize the Debt
To: YAL <>

Calling all YAL chapters!

Did you know that the national debt increased more in the last 10 years than the first two centuries of our history combined?

Did you know that you could spend $443,937 every second for a year and still not spend as much as the U.S. national debt?

Did you know that each and every taxpayer owes more than $130,000 to pay off the national debt?

Did you know that this is your future?
You and I must bring attention to our government's radical spending spree! The enormity of this situation is only getting worse and our generation will soon face the dire consequences.

To educate students and send notice to elected officials, YAL is organizing a national activism event for this month: "Visualize the Debt." YAL's effort to "Visualize the Debt" will personalize and make real the true cost of our government's reckless spending to a new generation of Americans!

We are calling on all YAL chapters across the country to create a GIANT display on their campuses during the last week of this month -- March 28 - April 1 -- to help students visualize the size and scale of the federal debt.
To incite some friendly competition and encourage you to organize the best debt display in the country, YAL National will award cash prizes to chapters which best carry out their events.  All entries should be posted on the blog or submitted to by April 15.

First place will win $500 in cash for their chapter; second place will win $250; and third place will win $100 -- not to mention all the bragging rights!
To get started, visit the "Visualize the Debt" web page for detailed instructions to successfully organize your event. Then, apply for your $100 activism grant to buy your supplies and request an activism kit filled with resources to help you educate your classmates.

Apply here to receive your $100 activism grant and a box of materials in the mail from YAL National.


What are you waiting for?

Call your chapter members right now to confirm their participation, book a high-traffic location on campus during the week of March 28 - April 1, and apply for materials and funds ASAP.
You will join hundreds of students throughout the country during this coordinated event.  With your participation, we will send a strong message to opinion leaders and elected officials in our communities and in DC.

If you have any questions, please contact your State Chair, Regional Director, or anyone on the YAL National staff. You can find their contact information here.
As you plan your event, please focus on achieving these four goals:
  1. Engage and inform your classmates
  2. Recruit new members to join your chapter.
  3. Earn media attention.
  4. Have fun and increase the activity level of members in your chapter.
This is an opportunity to take advantage of the warmer weather, rally your chapter to act, recruit new members to our cause, and raise awareness about the out-of-control government spending.

Visit the "Visualize the Debt" web page and apply for a $100 activism grant and activism kit. Then make plans to visualize the debt on your campus!

For liberty,

Jeff Frazee
Executive Director, YAL

P.S. -- Will you and your chapter participate in YAL's national activism event called "Visualize the Debt" during the week of March 28 - April 1?

Please visit the "Visualize the Debt" web page for all the information you need to get started. It includes:
  • An application to receive a $100 activism grant and a box of materials for you chapter.
  • How-to guides for activism ideas your chapter can use.
  • An instructional video that explains how to make a GIANT national debt clock.
  • Ready-made flyers to pass out on your campus.
  • A long list of national debt facts sure to shock your fellow students.
  • No less than eight massive infographics to print out and add to your display.
Let's get started! You have more than 14,218,559,721,495 reasons to act now!

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