Friday, April 15th from 12:00pm-2:00pm at OUR Capitol in Springfield ILLINOIS
This is an invitation to all conservative patriots, small businesses , all ILLINOIS T.E.A. Parties, all Take Back/912, Campaign for Liberty, and all the conservative groups that can make Illinois whole again. WE NEED THOUSANDS to show the rest of the United States we can change the corruption in Springfield and Chicago. The time is now and we need you to be one of the voices of unity. Of course, this is a peaceful revolt and we ask that all demonstrate the common sense we are known for. God Bless America. The lame duck Democrats in our state gave us the "most unwanted gift" before some of them "lost" their seats to the "new and more conservative legislators." Hopefully, these conservative legislators will be for the people instead of the corruption from Chicago that permeates our state and our country.The tax increase is a JOB KILLER and will do very little to help us dig out of the hole of bad choices, bills, over spending and bad votes. The burden put upon the people of IL and on the businesses is unbelievable. We need ALL REPUBLICANS TO BE CONSERVATIVES and not RINOS. The purpose of THIS state wide rally is to unify our numbers and demonstrate the strength of our purpose. WE will get our point across and the remaining DEMS & RINOS should be shaking in their boots. The people of IL united in Nov. of 2010 and that was just the beginning. We need a big redo in 2011 and 2012, from local government all the way to the top of the heap. WE STAND as leaders, organizers, and patriots and we should have our voices heard in Springfield where the travesty took place. We will do it on Friday April 15th. ,,,on their doorstep. We The People, the TAXPAYERS, have a few words to say and we need everyone's voice. Take that sick day, take the vacation day, get on the buses that should be coming from all over IL and make the stand that Springfield, Chicago, and the Nation needs to see . There is strength in numbers so lets join together and "flex our muscles." Are you strong enough to join us? The Patriots depend on us for guidance. We are the motivators, we are the leaders of the "angry mob". Get them to Springfield, whether by plane, train or automobile. This is an opportunity for us to exercise our planning and organizational skills. The payoff will be the pride that we all will feel when we know that we have been a critical part of this great battle to save our state. The permits are all ready in hand. Thank you Sandy and Bill of Springfield T.E.A. We are planning a meeting/dinner for after the event from 3pm to 6pm for all group organizers to develop plans for 2011 and 2012. (Location TBD) More info will follow. Check our web site for the state news and events at www.teapartypressjournal.com We all know that if the state and country does not change soon, we are not going to like the outcome. Let's do this folks. It can be done but we need you and we need to organize for one day as a group of ILLINOISANS and do the smart thing. Please distribute this email to the people that need it. Many who said they are interested are waiting for this letter. We need help!!! We need ideas!!! We need you!!! Please contact Sandy at sandydrago@aol.com or Rhonda at abra@gtec.com or Ron Henerfouth at ronhen122@aol.com Rhonda Linders -Founder Alton IL. T.E.A. Party
American First! Conservative Second! Party Third!
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