The Great Awakening-In God We Trust

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


The True Facts

By Lee S Gliddon Jr

We are now facing the time in our lives when we must arrive at a decision. Do we want to love in accordance with the U.S. Constitution as free men and women or do we want to change our way of life and live as subjects of a corrupt government? We cannot have both as they are incompatible.

Under the U.S. Constitution we will live as free men and women while subjects of a corrupt government we must obey that government and cease voicing our opposition to tyranny.

Somehow, and believe you me I fought against it, a man was elected to the White House that has but one thought. That thought is, "How can I destroy the U.S. Constitution and install a governmental power that does what I want and only what I want.

I have listed all of the shortcomings of Barrack Obama and all of his many actions that are leading us over the cliff of ruination.

Last November, 2010, we loudly proclaimed our desire to remain as a free people and live in accordance with the U.S. Constitution. We elected Representatives that we thought would see that Conservatism is our way of life and we wanted that life to continue. Our problem was in our failure to elect a Senate that was Conservative as well.

We lost in Connecticut due to inexperience. We lost in California and Nevada due to Illegal Aliens being encouraged to vote by the Left and through Union intervention. We lost in a few other states due to court rulings and other nearious interventions.

Obama said loudly, "I got the message." The question should have been, "Did you?"

The truth is that Obama totally ignored the election and continued his agenda leading America towards governmental control. Those Senators who were reelected by nefarious means acted as if their elections were real and continued to back every act that Obama instructed them to do.

Instead of doing what the Conservatives elected them to do those GOP elected, some of them, must have thought those that elected them were not dead serious in their Conservatism. Instead of standing firm on legislation that would return control to the People of the United States they folded at every turn. Fearfully, it was as if the weaker had been 'bought off' or promised 'power' by those they were elected to oppose.

There was a vote to continue the Bush Tax Cuts. This was to bolster employment as there were no Tax Hikes on the Small Business Employers. Well, there was no boost in employment as Obama quickly made a speech telling those employers, "I am not through fighting for a Tax Hike on the rich. I am also fighting for regulations that will ensure their compliance with RULES and REGULATIONS.

To bolster his intent to see that businesses did not hire more people he gave the EPA  powers to do as they would to curtail business growth. Furthermore, as if not satisfied with a out of control EPA he stopped energy production by banning oil well drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.

The EPA stopped coal mines, Obama stopped oil production, and the Senate looked on as if amazed.

Obama then made his disdain of the U.S. known by golfing, playing basketball, vacationing and trip taking anytime a national emergency occurred. His lavish spending on his families wants served to reflect his total lack of concern for the citizens of America.

In the November, 2010 elections there was a concerted effort, by Conservatives, Conservative Governors and State Legislators were elected to replace the Liberals that had been obeying Obama's requests that they continue spending their citizens money. Those Conservative electees set about doing exactly what they were elected to do.

With little delay as he stayed 'behind the scenes' Obama had his Union 'friends' get involved and disrupt the State Capitols that dared enact Conservative legislation.

Currently there is a movement afoot to stop runaway spending at both the State and National levels. If Obama were serious about seeing the U.S.A.  regain solvency he would do all within his power to assist the Conservatives in their waste cutting measures. Certainly the Conservatives Plan is not perfect but it is far more sensible than that offered by the Left and by Obama in particular.

The GAO rendered a report identifying waste in the Federal Government of an estimated $500 billion annually! Candidate Obama said, in one debate, "I will take a scalpel to the budget and excise the wasteful spending." Now he refuses to do anything that deals with waste. NPR says, "We do not need Federal money." Obama says, "I will veto any legislation that denies funding to NPR."

Planned Parenthood's President went on national television and openly lied as she said, "Our organization performs much needed services. Mammograms...ect." That was a downright lie!

Obama reiterated his statement of the intent to veto and Legislation that defunded Planned Parenthood."

Obama finally got involved in the Libyan situation as he traveled to Brazil. With NO Congressional Consultation he got the U.S.A. into a war situation. He then said, 'We are now ceasing all military involvement is Libya." Only days later we learned of further air strikes by U. S. aircraft. Obama's answer to that, "I did not say we would not be involved in 'defensive' matters."

Now we can suppose that, "ceasing ALL," means something other than what we understand it to mean. "all in no longer be mean anything conclusive!

Tax the rich, 'invest (spend), educate under existing guidelies while 'investing' more in Education.

It would take an entire book to list all of the scheming and duplicity as well as outright lies we are expected to believe. Obama is the Headmaster, the 'Great Deceiver.' Liberal Congresspeople and Senators swear to his every lie. As if that were not enough they thrown in many of their own!

 "The U.S.A. has enough INTEREST in the Social Security TRUST FUND to negate the national debt." This was actually said by a Liberal Democrat Representative last Thursday!

Now the choice is yours to make. Live free or under the yoke of a corrupt government. Either elect men and women of truth or continue to believe their every lie. Live under that yoke and you will live a life of regret. 

Conservative Patriot

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