The Great Awakening-In God We Trust

May 23, 2011
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Leaders and liars
Michael Oberndorf
Worse and worser
Michael Oberndorf
Mitt Romney in 2012?
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The Beijing affair: Part Two
Marielena Montesino de Stuart
'Death is awesome'
Matt C. Abbott
May 23, 2011
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — Our signatures on the petition went out with Friday's mail. All we did was urge the state of Maryland to put a new ill-advised "special interest" law before the voters. Let them decide whether it remains... (more)

May 22, 2011
WORLDNETDAILY — A document posted online by WikiLeaks reveals there were strategy discussions regarding the adoption of a "North American Union" - called the North American Initiative in this case - at the ambassadorial level in the United States government... (more)

May 22, 2011
WORLDNETDAILY — In his major address on the Middle East last week, did President Obama quote from the centerpiece of radical community organizer Saul Alinsky's defining work? While hailing the Arab uprisings sweeping the Middle East and North Africa, Obama laid out his foreign policy using terminology strikingly similar to Alinsky's mantra... (more)

May 22, 2011
TIMOTHY P. CARNEY — President Obama launched a U.S. war in Libya two months ago with no congressional approval. Under the Constitution and under the War Powers Act, which allows the president to wage defensive wars for up to 60 days without prior approval, Obama probably broke the law... (more)

May 22, 2011
DANIEL KISH — As American families and businesses struggle with the increasing prices for energy and gasoline and a stagnant economy, there are many theories about how the United States has gotten to this point... (more)

May 22, 2011
NEWSMAX — Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty announced Sunday that he is seeking the 2012 Republican presidential nomination. Pawlenty made the announcement in a video on his website in a preview of a formal announcement Monday... (more)

May 22, 2011
ASSOCIATED PRESS — The Minnesota House has signed off on a proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, meaning voters will decide the issue in 2012. After nearly six hours of emotional debate, the House voted 70-62 to approve the plan late Saturday... (more)

May 21, 2011
SACRAMENTO BEE — Legislation passed by the Assembly Thursday could allow a presidential candidate to win California's electoral college votes without finishing first in the statewide balloting. Under the measure, Assembly Bill 459, California would join a proposed multistate compact committed to the presidential ticket that wins the most popular votes nationwide... (more)

May 21, 2011
DEROY MURDOCK — "Failure to raise the debt limit would force the United States to default," Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner panted in a May 13 letter to Sen. Michael F. Bennet, Colorado Democrat. "A default would inflict catastrophic, far reaching damage on our nation's economy, significantly reducing growth, and increasing unemployment"... (more)

May 21, 2011
WORLDNETDAILY — Recalling Dan Brown's bestselling novel "The Da Vinci Code," computer experts have discovered strange anomalies in the Obama birth record released by the White House... (more)

May 20, 2011
WORLDNETDAILY — For the first time since 2005, Republicans in the U.S. Senate have staged a successful filibuster of a judicial nominee, leaving a long-stalled nomination by President Obama of far left-leaning Goodwin Liu to the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals without a future... (more)

May 20, 2011
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — It may be difficult to remember, considering the savaging he received in the 2008 general election, but there was a time, not too long ago, when Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., was a darling of the liberal mainstream media... (more)

May 20, 2011
WORLDNETDAILY — An American success story and tea-party favorite who could be Obama's "worst nightmare" tells WND he will make a "very important announcement" to the nation in less than 48 hours... (more)

May 20, 2011
FRANK GAFFNEY — President Obama's latest paean to what he calls "the Muslim world," delivered at the State Department today, was an exercise in whistling past the graveyard of real and growing dangers and a litany of misleading statements that borders on official malpractice. Its most important upshot is this: The United States is now prepared to do business with the Muslim Brotherhood... (more)

May 20, 2011
MICHELLE MALKIN — Welcome to the land of the freeloaders and the home of the depraved. No image captures America's regressive ethos better than that of 30-year-old Stanley Thornton Jr., self-proclaimed "Adult Baby." Profiled on a recent National Geographic reality television show, Thornton claims to suffer from a bizarre infantilism that leads him to wear diapers, lounge around in an oversized crib and seek constant coddling... (more)

May 20, 2011
WORLDNETDAILY — The Tea Party Nation, one of the largest groups in the tea party movement that rocked the 2010 elections, ejecting California Rep. Nancy Pelosi from her seat of power and electing a Republican majority in the U.S. House, earlier said that new Republican House Speaker John Boehner should be replaced because of his unwillingness to crack the whip on federal spending... (more)

May 20, 2011
JOSEPH FARAH — What would you do if a big national magazine like Esquire intentionally slimed you, your company and one of your colleagues with completely fabricated quotations and phony allegations that materially hurt your business and your reputation?... (more)

May 19, 2011
JEFF JACOBY — Mitt Romney has been stalwart in his defense of the individual mandate - the obligation to buy health insurance that is at the heart of both the law he signed in Massachusetts in 2006 and the federal version President Obama enacted last year... (more)

May 19, 2011
WASHINGTON TIMES — Illinois has the worst gun laws of any state. Only police officers and the taxpayer-funded bodyguards for ex-Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley have the right to carry a handgun outside their homes. Everyone else is out of luck - unless a pair of federal lawsuits filed last week succeed in arguing that the Second Amendment right to "keep and bear Arms" means that people can actually bear arms in the land of Lincoln... (more)

May 19, 2011
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST — As more details emerge in the case of false accusations against Fairfax, Va., elementary school coach Sean Lanigan, it becomes relevant to add more perspective to what we wrote on May 16. This is necessitated by the fact that Washington Post reporter Tom Jackman has added details to his original story of the lies about Lanigan's supposed inappropriate liberties with a minor. Those facts (previously unknown to us) prompt a revision to our own Monday comments... (more)

May 19, 2011
CINDY SIMPSON — Obama finally produced a long-form birth certificate, and as predicted, the media is using a rolled-up copy "to further beat the sizeable percentage of the population with [eligibility] doubts into either embarrassed or apologetic submission." The most popular birther-bashing method: charges of racism... (more)

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