PART (76) Road to Democracy, Liberty and Justice
( party ism )
My fellow free men and women hears the problem we face with how we our Governed it has the appearance of a Republic but in realty its party ism or Oligarchy form of governing which is to be governed by a few or elite group. We have two elite groups who are trying to Govern us according to the will of their party and not the people they are the Republican and Democracy parties.
Think about it when the majority of people do not want a bill to become law or to re appeal a law they do not want. Their should not be the problems we having if the Republic we have elected to Govern are representing the will of the people. what we have going on in Congress now is that each party is fighting for power and the right to govern according to their agenda. So what do we have the Democrats are in control the Senate and the Republicans control the House. They are constantly fighting each other for power of a party to govern,
So what do we have back room deals to get representatives to vote for their bill wither those he represented wanted or not, they compromise on things to get what they and not what the people want. We would not have parties walking out of their legislatures trying to force their will on everyone else and not the will of the people they represent. Where not their to even represent those who elected them to represent them it's all about party power.
The Democrats controls the Senate the Republican the House what do they do they block the legislation of each others Party and the will of the people goes by the way side.
Now we have budget problem not only are both parties at a stand off . With the same old cow flop with a little different twist not only are they accusing each other of being the problem but now it is the Tea Party Movements fault who by the way most closely represent the will of PEOPLE.
It's no wonder thing are so messed up, they can't get any thing done. Both have Governed poorly and now it is our GOD given right to institute a Government that will secure our Liberty which is a Constitutional form of being Governed which is a Representative elected by the people for the people
The truth is the only way to defeat party ism and to holed our representative accountable for what they do and who they represent. The best way is to have a recall provision in all the states in the union.
It is our God given right as free men and women to secure these rights by instituting a form Government that will secure our Liberty .If that means each state has to have recall laws. that is the right and the power that the states have.
Read our Declaration of Independence it's all their in black and white.
Patriot Caucus Pac.
Committee Adviser
William M. Finley
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