The Great Awakening-In God We Trust

Part (75) Road to Democracy, Liberty, Justice

Part (75) Road to Democracy, Liberty, Justice

( Are we being Govern by a Oligarchy, or a Republic form of government )

Oligarchy – rule by a few, Government in which the ruling power belongs to a few persons.

Republic - a state or nation in which the supreme power rest in all the citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by a representatives elected directly or indirectly.

As Free men and women the form of being govern that we have instituted to secure our God given Freedoms we have been endowed with. Is a Republic made up of Representatives that the people elect through a democratic process to Represent them.

We have a Republic based on Democracy.

Democracy – rule by the people, Government in which the people hold the ruling power either directly or through elected representatives.

If we are to be Govern by a Republic form of Government base on democracy.

Then T.A.R.P. The Stimulus, Health Care, Hate crime law, and many many others would not have been voted into law.

We would not have been invaded by illegal immigrants and those who Govern would have enforce the law deported them. They would not have given them access to entitlement programs at the tax payers expense. .

Our borders would be secure and thousands of Americans many not have die in a day.

Their would not be mega debt in the trillions, and we would not be in debt to those who are not our friends and do wish us harm.

We would not being borrowing money to give away to other countries.

We would not be worlds sugar Daddy. Nor the wolds policemen.

Our blood would not have been be shed around the world only to be hated in the end.

When our Financial Institutions, Wall Street steal our prosperity through corruption and the speculators drove the up oil prices. They would have stopped it and held them accountable for what they did and not reward them.

We would be govern by rule of law and not politics or corruption.

We would have representation in our Government, because a Republic is by the people , for the people,

of the people.

What we have is a Oligarchy form of being Govern.

Where we are govern by an elite class which are the Republicans and Democrats.

Just listen to them talk it is not able what the people will but what the parties want !

They have repeatedly ignored the will of the people, have their back room deals , they make up legislation behind close doors on one knows what is in it because they don't believe they have to read it. They have Govern with corruption, deceit, lack of moral virtue and honor

Why because they believe it is their GOD given right to GOVERN us because they are the elite ruling class and answer to no one.

Just look at what happening in Wisconsin were the Democrats feel they have the right to flea their state

instead of doing the will of the people They believe they can do this because they are the elite ruling class they can do these thing with on accountability to the people of Wisconsin.

This is why they have ignored the will people repeatedly and voted all these bills into law without our consent.

This is not what our forefathers had in minded.

In order to have a Republic form of being Governed we must put an end to being Govern by Oligarchy

form of being Governed which is party representation.

William M. Finley






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