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FINALLY – Legislation Introduced to STOP Illegal Immigration & Make Illegals "L.E.A.V.E."

Tell Congress To Pass HR 1196 – The "Loophole
Elimination and Verification Enforcement" Act

ALERT:  Can we finally WIN the war against ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION that we've been fighting so hard for so many years?

YES, thanks to legislation that's just been introduced in Congress: the "Loophole Elimination and Verification Enforcement Act," or "LEAVE Act."

The LEAVE Act was introduced by Rep. Gary Miller, who is from California. Like so many other states, California has good reason to want to finally END America's illegal immigration crisis: Each year, California households alone pay an average of $1,183 EACH to provide health care, education, and incarceration to ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.  In these economically challenging times, there is NO REASON that hard-working families in ANY state should be forced to bear these costs.

NOW WE CAN FINALLY PUT A STOP TO THAT! But we need YOUR HELP to make sure it happens!



The LEAVE Act takes an enforcement first approach to solve the problems caused by ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION by removing the incentives and loopholes in our current laws that encourage illegal aliens to come to the United States to live and work, and if they entered legally, to overstay their visas.  In addition, this sweeping legislation gives law enforcement the tools they need to protect our nation and communities.

Among its many provisions, the LEAVE Act dramatically tightens the forms of personal identification that may be accepted by the federal government and financial institutions; expands the E-Verify program to require all employers to confirm the work eligibility of their employees; and prevents illegals from receiving Social Security credit for illegally working in the United States.

The LEAVE Act also ends birthright citizenship, excludes illegals from receiving in-state college tuition, requires the completion of the border fence, and mandates the hiring of 8,000 new Border Patrol agents by 2015.

There's just no denying it: it is CRITICAL for America's national security, sovereignty and prosperity that we reduce our nation's illegal immigrant population, NOW. With this new legislation, we can FINALLY GET THAT DONE…

But we need YOUR HELP to get this passed QUICKLY!



The official purpose of the LEAVE Act is "to prohibit all activities that assist, encourage, direct, or induce an alien to reside in or remain in the United States or to attempt to reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that the alien is not authorized to be present in the United States."

This is one of the best pieces of legislation against illegal immigration to be introduced in a long time. Our friends at NumbersUSA have publicized a rundown on all of the specific things that the LEAVE Act would do, including:

  • Prohibit dealings that assist or encourage an illegal alien to cross the border or remain in the United States.
  • Uphold identification security by specifying what forms of identification may be accepted by the federal government or financial institutions. Accepted forms of identification include a Social Security card with a photo ID, a REAL ID Act compliant identification card, a passport, or a USCIS photo identification card.
  • Require federal agencies to coordinate with states to develop an electronic birth and death registration system, which would reduce the number of stolen identities and help prevent Social Security fraud.
  • Mandate new fines and penalties for passport fraud.
  • Make E-Verify (Basic Pilot program) permanent.
  • Require all employees to be verified with the E-Verify program after four years of enactment.
  • Prevent illegal aliens from working in the U.S. Capitol Complex by prohibiting the House of Representatives and the Senate from awarding contracts to any contractor or subcontractor who does not participate in the E-Verify program.
  • Close the self-employed subcontractor loophole by withholding funds to a state or local government that does not require all business license applicants to comply with E-Verify. A company can currently hire a subcontractor to provide goods and services, bypassing the E-Verify process.
  • Prohibit states from issuing driver's licenses unless they first verify citizenship or lawful immigration status.
  • Require the SSA (Social Security Administration) and IRS (Internal Revenue Service) to share information related to the investigation and enforcement of no-match letters.
  • Add an additional 3,000 ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agents by 2014.
  • Affirm the right of state and local authorities to enforce immigration laws in the course of carrying out routine law enforcement activities.
  • Require the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) to provide immigration enforcement training for state and local law enforcement officials.
  • Reimburse states and localities for costs associated with immigration enforcement by making grants available for equipment, technology, facilities, and other products that directly relate to investigating, apprehending, arresting, detaining, or transporting illegal aliens.
  • Make the Institutional Removal Program available to all states, which would expedite the deportation of criminal aliens after incarceration.
  • List all immigration violators in the (NCIC) National Crime Information Center Database.
  • Expand the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP) to include illegal aliens that have been convicted or charged with a crime.
  • Prohibit the DHS and DOJ (Department of Justice) from making funds available to cities that provide sanctuary to illegal aliens.

THIS is the kind of common-sense bill that not only SHOULD pass -- it MUST pass!

That's why we've set up our website to enable you to send "Blast Faxes" to EVERY SINGLE U.S. Congressmen AT ONCE, demanding that they finally put a STOP to illegal immigration, by supporting HR 1196, the LEAVE Act!

For about what it would cost you in time and telephone charges, you can send Blast Faxes to Congressmen, Senators, Democrats, Republicans -- EVERYONE in the U.S. Congress, DEMANDING that they SUPPORT the "Loophole Elimination and Verification Enforcement Act" NOW!

WE MUST CONTACT CONGRESS NOW  and convince them to PASS THIS BILL -- or this problem will only get WORSE!

Will YOU help us to finally put an END to ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION in America -- before it's too late?



If you're like me, you're sick and tired of politicians coddling the illegal immigration lobby, and giving LIP SERVICE to ending this problem instead of actually DOING something about it.

Well, now we can MAKE them do something about it. This is a bill that is finally putting serious action behind all the talk, and really aiming for our goals of border security and legal immigration enforcement!

WILL YOU HELP US? Will YOU join the fight to FORCE Congress to finally pass legislation that can STOP the illegal immigration crisis in our country?

Please, TAKE ACTION NOW! Thank you!

For America,

Carmen Mercer
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Project

P.S. Rep. Miller has taken a large step forward with this bill he's introduced. The LEAVE Act aims to stem the inflow of people who come to the country illegally, securing U.S. borders, denying access to jobs, and closing loopholes in government programs that provide access to benefits -- plus a whole lot more.

We MUST force Congress to hear our voices -- we MUST continue to sound the alarm about the crisis facing America. With YOUR help, we can do that. We can also do even more: launch national ad campaigns, get on to radio and television talk shows and news shows to support this legislation… the list is LONG, but we can't do it without YOU -- Thank you!



For more information go to

To donate by check, please send to:
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Project
P.O. Box 1310
Herndon, VA 20172

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