CONSERVATIVE NEWS FROM THE FRONT is your daily wrap-up of conservative and Tea Party news. is a community of principled, constitutional conservatives. For media inquiries, contact Bob Sturm or Ryan Rogge at (703) 392-7676.
Romneycare is not Romney's main problemThe New American - Sam Blumenfeld says that Mitt Romney, like all Establishment Republicans, wants to "improve" existing socialist programs. Tea Party conservatives want to repeal them. Romney, like his father, is a Status Quo Republican, and that is not the kind of Republican we need in 2012 if we are to reverse Obama's rush toward socialism.
CHQ Poll: Ron Paul has more conservative support than Romney, but t...CHQ - More conservatives (32%) say they would vote for Ron Paul if he's the Republican candidate than the 30% who say that about Mitt Romney. The media say Paul doesn't have a chance of getting the GOP nomination, but they miss the point. He's in the race to promote his ideas, and he has been spectacularly successful at doing that.
Kentucky Tea Partiers are furious at lack of national aid in primaryAssociated Press - Kentucky Tea Partiers are furious that prominent national conservatives and Tea Party organizations missed out on a golden opportunity to repeat Sen. Rand Paul's stunning triumph by failing to push hard for gubernatorial candidate Phil Moffett. It's one ball that should not have been dropped.
Is America ready for another President from Texas?Washington Times - Gov. Rick Perry says he is not interested in moving from the Texas governor's mansion to the White House. But his recent speech in Dallas produced a lot of talk about a draft.
South Carolina's Gov. Nikki Haley is not shyPolitico - The state's first-in-the-South primary is a critical one, and she is using it to exert her influence in GOP circles. Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney have already felt her sting. Some in the Palmetto State suspect her candidate of choice is former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty.
Who will replace Kay Bailey Hutchison as Senator from Texas? - Next year's U.S. Senate primary in Texas offers a wide range of choices. Some are very good, some are okay-and then there is Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, the Charlie Christ of Texas (and that's not praise). He approaches budgets as a math problem rather than an opportunity to downsize government.
Ginni Thomas interviews freshman conservative superstar Allen West ...Daily Caller - Retired Lt. Col. Allen West spent more than 20 years in the Army, including several tours in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Gulf, before deciding to enter politics. West was one of 32 black Republicans to run for federal office last fall, and one of two who made it into the House.
The Shakespearean tragedy of Newt GingrichAmerican Thinker - Stuart Schwartz says Gingrich switches "back and forth between positions, depending upon what he calculates will most benefit his greatest love-Newt."
Joseph Farah: Newt Gingrich is a liberal-We need a conservative boa...World Net Daily - Joseph Farah adds his thoughts on Newt Gingrich: "We need leadership that is going to challenge the establishment, upset the apple cart, turn over the tables of the moneychangers in the temple, and, most of all, veer 180 degrees from our current policies."
Conservatism is the new 'cool' for kids
Washington Times - J. Matt Barber writes that today's young conservatives "have become the contemporary nonconformists."
CHQ POLLS (Please join the CHQ community to vote):
The Daily Debate: Do you agree with Sen. Jim DeMint's hard-line stance against raisin...
CHQ Monthly Straw Poll: Cast a new vote in the month of May's CHQ Straw Poll on the 2012 GO... (Cast a new vote each month!)
Richard Viguerie
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