The Great Awakening-In God We Trust

The Constitutional Champion Foundation is a not-for-profit organization formed to meet the needs of the youth of this nation.  The direction of the foundation was formed after the realization that our children are not learning the history of our country, the constitution and founding fathers in an accurate, well rounded program.

The mission of Constitutional Champions is to involve the youth of our country through educational programs, school groups and community service project.

The educational programs/presentations will focus on the Constitution, Founding Fathers and the principles and values that the 9/12 Project embraces in order to maintain our communities and become model citizens.

Our mission is to develop and implement materials that are focused on the teaching of the constitution and founding fathers, and to present these to elementary school students.

  • There will be lesson plans for volunteers to learn and take into the classrooms.
  • The curriculum will consist of 5 lessons
  • Each package will contain all materials needed to complete the lessons

The Constitutional Champions advisory committee has set a goal of making the  materials available by March of 2011, in time  for summer preparation.  Many groups have expressed interest in holding the program this summer.

Our goal is to build an organization that will be the front runner in providing education on the constitution and founding fathers, and will be the leading example on living the principles and values necessary to bring back the values of faith, hope and charity to this country.  We are dedicated to capturing the rising energy in the nation that has taken the country in a new direction through citizen engagement.  Individuals and groups have educated themselves through book clubs, conferences and classes held by educational organizations geared toward adults.  As such, the 9/12 Project recognized the need to work on a program for children.

Our objective is to touch a minimum of 10,000 students in the summer/fall of 2011.  That equates to each state holding 8 classes with approximately 25 students in each class.

The program aims to educate students through the use of original sources and other fact based information. Upon completion of the lessons, students become “Constitutional Champions.”  The summer program will be available in March to summer school programs, including but not limited to vacation bible school, summer youth camps and day care settings.  The fall program will begin at the 5th grade level and will add on grade levels as the program rolls out.

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