URGENT: CBO exposes budget deal as SHAM!
GRASSFIRE NATIONURGENT BUDGET DEBATE UPDATEWEDNESDAY EVENINGPatriot,The budget compromise struck last weekendhas been exposed by the Congressional BudgetOffice as a SHAM. The CBO reports that the alleged$38 billion in cuts actually amounts to just $353million in real cuts!The rest of the alleged "cuts" were accounting tricksand supposed "future" cuts! And when the full effectof all the increases in spendingare taken into account,Politico reports that "CBO nowsays that total discretionary outlays for 2011 are higher-- not lower -- by about $3.3 billion than it had estimatedin December."So instead of the "compromise" total of $38 billion in spending cuts,Congress is actually voting on a budget deal that has NO REAL CUTS AT ALL! THIS IS AN ABSOLUTE OUTRAGE! We've been asked to "go along" with the budget debate, but now that the latest deal has been exposed as a BOGUS BUDGET DEAL, it's time for patriotic citizens to let their voice be heard!++ FAX CONGRESS NOW AND SAY "NO DEAL" TO THE BOGUS BUDGET DEAL!If you are outraged that the miniscule $38 billion in "cuts"actually amounts to NO REAL CUTS, then take action rightnow by faxing your Senators, Representative and key membersof the House and letting them know what you think of theirBOGUS BUDGET DEAL.As soon as we learned of the CBO report, our team immediatelywent to work setting up this FAXFIRE so your faxes could getdelivered immediately to Congress before the key votes start THURSDAY. GO HERE RIGHT NOW TO SEND YOUR FAXES OPPOSING THE "BOGUS BUDGET DEAL":http://www.grassfire.com/3146/offer.asp?ref_id=500062 Again... The budget deal has been exposed as SHAM. There are NO REAL CUTS this year. The House is VOTING TOMORROW!If you are outraged, please take action by going here:http://www.grassfire.com/3146/offer.asp?ref_id=500062 Your friends at Grassfire Nation and Patriot Action Network + + RESOURCES ON THIS ISSUEPolitico: Small Payoffhttp://www.grassfire.net/r.asp?U=40362&RID=597715WPost: Budget Deal Cuts Just $353 millionhttp://www.grassfire.net/r.asp?U=40363&RID=597715 P.S. Please forward this message to your friends andshare on your social networks!
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