The Great Awakening-In God We Trust

WHEREAS, the Second Amendment to the Constitution mandates, [that] in order to provide for the security of a free state, "...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed," and
WHEREAS, a multitude of federal statutes constitute de facto infringement; now
THEREFORE, We, the Delegates of Continental Congress 2009, as Free People of America, do hereby Instruct the Congress of the United States as follows:
1. Repeal all federal statutes regulating the ownership, use and transfer of firearms and ammunition;
2. Repeal any federal statutes which provide for the taxation or registration of firearms and ammunition;
4 Learn more about the subject matter of this Article: Read the PETITION For Redress Of Grievances Regarding The Government’s Infringement Upon The Right Of The People To Keep And Bear Arms. See the related CC 2009 video presentations: Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (“JPFO”) - 2A Good for you and the USA (film); Ralph Conner, Local Legislation Manager, Heartland Institute –The Second Amendment; and, “No Guns for Negros” (film).
Call to Action: Go to Take the Nationwide Civic Action Pledge. Join millions of others.
3. Abolish the Department of Homeland Security and thereby return the responsibility for domestic security to the Militias of the Several States; the term militia, inherently separate from the State National Guard, means “Constitutional Defense Force,” comprising all citizenry capable of bearing arms, and under proper authority, in defense of themselves and each of the several States;
4. Make statutes providing for organizing, arming and disciplining the Militia and for governing such part of them as may be called to serve the United States and, reserve to the states all other powers relating to the Militia;
5. Encourage and support, and cease and desist from infringing upon, the duty of the People to revitalize the “well-regulated Militia of each of the Several States”.
1. Repeal all state statutes regulating the ownership, use and transfer of firearms and
2. Repeal any state statutes which provide for the registration of firearms and ammunition.
3. By statute, establish an Advisory Commission On Revitalization of the Militia of their State, in the exercise of their powers over the Militia*, as reserved to the several states by the Second and Tenth Amendments as well as other provisions of the Constitution for the United States; the sole purpose of the said Advisory Commission shall be to study and recommend:
(a) the means, including all necessary State legislation (and where appropriate legislation that authorizes direct and independent action by units of Local government), by which the State can revitalize her Militia so as to provide for her particular requirements of “homeland security” in keeping with strict Constitutional Principles; and
(b) such legislation as may be necessary and proper for Congress to enact in order to fully effectuate the State’s program of revitalizing her Militia, in the context of a national program for revitalizing all of the Militia of each of the several States to some uniform standard of organization, arms, and discipline.
4. The Advisory Commission shall be composed of the following persons: { shall be listed the proposed members of the Commission...}.
5. The Advisory Commission shall submit a preliminary report to the Legislature within ninety (90) days of the enactment of the said statute; this report shall contain inter alia a detailed study, with specific recommendations, as to how the Militia can and should be revitalized, with particular emphasis on those areas of “homeland security” which at that time are within the jurisdiction of the General Government’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS), but the responsibility and authority for the provision of which the Advisory Commission believes can effectively be exercised within the State or by the Militia thereof. Within thirty (30) days of its receipt of that report, the Legislature shall return the report to the Commission with such directives as it may see fit for alterations, corrections, amendments, additions, deletions, and further studies and recommendations. On the basis of the Legislature’s review, within thirty
Call to Action: Go to Take the Nationwide Civic Action Pledge. Join millions of others.
(30) days thereafter, the Advisory Commission shall submit to the Legislature a final report, including complete and specific drafts of all State legislation, and recommendations for any Congressional legislation, necessary for revitalization of the Militia of the State.
6. Upon receipt of the Advisory Commission’s final report, the Legislature shall without delay, and in any event no more than thirty (30) days later, adopt such report with such amendments as the Legislature shall deem proper, and then enact such legislation based on such amended report as will most effectively and expeditiously revitalize the Militia: furthermore, the Legislature by Resolution shall urge the Congressional delegation of said State to introduce and support legislation in Congress that adopts the recommendations presented in the Advisory Commission’s final report as amended.
* The term militia, inherently separate from the State National Guard, means ‘Constitutional Defense Force’ comprising all citizenry capable of bearing arms and under proper authority, in defense of themselves and the states.
WHEREAS, the Second Amendment mandates that “the Right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed,” and
WHEREAS, Natural Law affirms the Right to defense of one’s Life and Property, and
WHEREAS, Citizens are reminded that the U. S. Constitution is the Supreme Law of the land, and that state laws repugnant to the Second Amendment are null and void – including, but not limited to, illegal and unconstitutional restrictions on open and/or concealed carry.
THEREFORE, We, the Continental Congress 2009, declare that a proper method to counter federal usurpation of said Rights is to encourage the People of each of the Several States to study and exercise their Right to keep and bear arms, and to engage in the following civic actions:
1. Meet with your County Sheriff and ask for assistance and guidance in establishing a Constitutional Militia.*
* The term militia, inherently separate from the State National Guard, means ‘Constitutional Defense Force’ comprising all citizenry capable of bearing arms and under proper authority, in defense of themselves and the states.
2. Converse, build coalitions, and develop networks of communication with like-minded organizations concerning the importance of Constitutional Militias, preparedness, and the protection of our Right to keep and bear arms;
3. Lobby State Legislatures to introduce and/or pass a version of what is commonly referred to as the “Firearms Freedom Act”;
4. Utilize existing “Second Amendment Scorecards” on each of their representatives.
Call to Action: Go to Take the Nationwide Civic Action Pledge. Join millions of others.
From November 11th to the 22nd of 2009, the Continental Congress convened pursuant to the People’s formal “Petition of Redress of Grievances” relating to the violations of the Peoples’ Rights of Privacy guaranteed to them under the 4th, 5th, and 9th Amendments. After deliberation and discussion of the abuses of the Rights to Privacy, this Body provides:
1. Repeal the so-called Patriot Act and its progeny.
2. Repeal any other law that is repugnant to the 4th, 5th and 9th Amendments.
3. Stop the collection, storing, and dissemination of private information of a non-criminal nature belonging to the People; WE, the Free People of this nation, are not the enemy.
4. Furthermore, we demand the retraction of any intelligence reports maintained by the Department of Homeland Security, not properly cited and sourced as well as any intelligence report known to contain plagiarized information.
5. Repeal of NAIS (National Animal Identification System) which requires the RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) of all livestock (animals) and mapping the premise of same.
6. Cease the implementation of acts such as the REAL ID Act of 2005, the PASS Act of 2009, and make no future attempts at implementing a national ID card or authorizing any funding associated with said acts.
7. Do not collect, process, store or disseminate intelligence of a non-criminal nature.
8. Repeal all laws that collect fingerprints, blood, or DNA upon birth.
1. Retract any Fusion Center intelligence report not properly cited and sourced as well as any intelligence report known to contain plagiarized information.
2. Reject the so-called Patriot Act, and its progeny.
5 Learn more about the subject matter of this Article. Read the FOURTH AMENDMENT. Read the PETITION for Redress of Grievances Regarding the War on Terrorism (and the USA Patriot Act). See the related CC 2009 video presentations: Gary Kah, First Delegate from Indiana, introducing Shadow Government, a film by Cloud Ten Pictures; Katherine Albrecht, consumer privacy expert, media commentator and author about privacy issues.
Call to Action: Go to Take the Nationwide Civic Action Pledge. Join millions of others.
3. Prohibit legislation that allows for the installation of red-light cameras and other devices used to surreptitiously gather information on American citizens. Repeal any such existing laws.
4. Repeal any legislation that requires government permission to travel, i.e., the requirement to obtain a driver’s license to travel, the requirement to register one’s vehicle, and/or the requirement to purchase motor vehicle insurance unless the vehicle is being used for commercial purposes.
5. All state governments shall cease and desist in prosecuting those men and women who are using the public right-of-way for personal, non-commercial transportation.
6. The language “for commercial purposes only” shall be added to the definitions of the terms “transportation” and “motor vehicle”, in all state laws, clearly removing the restrictions imposed on travel for personal, private purposes.
7. Repeal of all state laws that collect fingerprints, blood, DNA, or any other biometric data for minor traffic violations, infractions, or for any other instance where said data is not necessary for investigation.
8. Destroy all biometric data, whether digital or tangible, that have been collected for use with a driver’s license, or for any other purpose not related to a felony investigation.
C. RECOMMENDED CIVIC ACTIONS BY THE PEOPLE The Delegates of the Continental Congress of 2009 wholeheartedly support and encourage the Free People of each state to engage in the following: 1. Visit and click on the Privacy Reference List, study all information provided in that list, and act in their best interest according to the information provided; 2. Inform themselves about the police and surveillance state that is being created in America in direct violation of the 4th, 5th, 9th, and 10th Amendments; 3. Submit open records requests to the appropriate agencies requesting the items listed below. Consider coordinating these efforts with other activists; a. Copies of all Memorandums of Understanding (MOU's) between participating Fusion Center agencies and any other party, agency, organization, institution, governmental body or individual that relates to Fusion Center information/data sharing; b. Copies of Fusion Center Privacy Policies; c. Copies of all Strategic Reports produced by or received by said Fusion Centers, including the distribution list and citations for each produced Strategic Report; to include identification of the authoring agency of any received Strategic Report; 4. Expose the findings of said open records requests through online social media, existing liberty media, liberty-minded organizations, and other means of public dissemination;
Call to Action: Go to Take the Nationwide Civic Action Pledge. Join millions of others.
5. Approach fellow citizens and groups to build an issue-based coalition in order to lobby local and state government to ensure that:
a. Unless directly involved in a crime, no private sector entities will be involved in the operation of Fusion Centers;
b. Only data and intelligence concerning federal crimes may be made available to any federal agency;
c. Fusion Centers are not to be used to conduct surveillance on an entire group based on the presence of one suspicious individual;
d. Ensure the creation of a "privacy committee" to oversee the privacy policy of your local Fusion Center and ensure compliance;
e. Ensure compliance with CFR 28, part 23;
6. Lobby your state legislature to nullify the Patriot Act;
7. Implement a Community Response Hotline; the People are encouraged to develop alternative means of communication, i.e. ham radio, short wave, or any other means of electronic communication;
8. Be aware that no citizen is required to release their social security number and should not release it if there is an alternative method;
9. Conduct business only with companies that do not require a social security number;
10. Use non-traceable forms of currency (i.e. prepaid credit cards) and non-traceable technology (i.e. prepaid cellular phones);
11. Use open-source software solutions, encrypt their computer hard drives, and use proxy servers when connected to the Internet, for computer security and privacy reasons;
12. Understand that everyone, including the government may record photos and video on public property;
13. Read licensing software agreements and be aware of the privacy ramifications of signing up for such services;
14. Promote local and state legislation that forces local and state governments to further scrutinize the process of accepting grants or other funding concerning surveillance and the militarization and federalization of local police departments from Federal Agencies such as the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice;
15. Lobby for a local resolution banning red-light cameras or other surveillance equipment in public areas.
16. Furthermore, without delay, the public is advised to contact their state and local representatives to open up a dialogue to assure that they repeal and propose no further legislation that violates the Privacy Clauses of the Constitution. Americans should also contact their local sheriff and demand they uphold their sworn oath or affirmation to protect and defend the Privacy Clauses of the Constitution.

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