“Is it just me, or does it feel like someone out there is using Orwell’s work, not as a warning, but as an owner’s manual?” GBNews host Neil Oliver asked in a May 7, 2022 monologue. He summarized a scene from George Orwell’s book, “Animal Farm,” in which the farm animals discover that the pigs are taking all the apples and milk for themselves.
When their selfish behavior is revealed, the pigs defend it saying it has been scientifically proven that pigs alone require milk and apples for good health. There’s nothing self-serving about their taking all the apples and milk for themselves. “Many of us don’t even like apples.”
This term, “science” has been repeatedly thrown in our faces and shoved down our throats over the past two years, while unfairly and irrationally separating the superiors from the plebs. “Science” has been used to strip us of medical rights and personal freedoms.
Now, “science” is touted as the justification for not eating real beef and getting used to insects, grubs and lab-grown protein alternatives instead. “Science” is also being weaponized to cajole us into accepting rolling blackouts and energy deprivation.
“Energy giant E.On recently sent pairs of polyester socks to customers with the message, ‘Energy down. CO2 down.’ Those literally in control of the power are telling people to wear more clothes to fend off the cold rather than have heating in their homes,” Oliver said.
In Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984,” we find both a Ministry of Plenty and a Ministry of Truth. Both names are the opposite of their true function. The Ministry of Plenty’s job is to maintain a consistent level of poverty while publishing fabricated production numbers for items that were never actually made, and the task of the Ministry of Truth is to memory-hole inconvenient facts and rewrite history daily to fit the political narrative.
In the U.S., the Biden administration has been telling us the economy is good, the GDP is strong1 and inflation is transitory,2 even though data clearly tell a different story. The first quarter of 2022 actually had a negative growth rate,3 consumer debt soared $52 billion in March,4 and inflation over the past year has been the fastest in four decades,5 with no end in sight.
Biden has even insisted that borrowing (read: printing) more money will reduce prices while not affecting the value of the dollar. To quote The Hill contributor Chris Talgo,6 “That is called, to borrow a Biden-ism, malarkey,” because “when the government prints or borrows trillions of dollars, the value of the dollar declines, and prices rise. That is called inflation.” It’s basic economics, but even that is being redefined at whim.
As if that weren’t Orwellian enough, at the end of April 2022, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security created an actual “ministry of truth,” the Disinformation Governance Board, in blatant violation of the First Amendment (free speech).
The DHS is basically pretending as though the Constitution doesn’t exist anymore, yet no one can recall it being formally abolished. It should still be there — the supreme law of the land. But government is acting as though it’s been memory-holed, and no doubt hope you’ll just go along with it. It’s nothing short of insane-making, and perhaps that’s the intention.
It’s very reminiscent of gaslighting,7 a form of emotional manipulation and abuse where the abuser creates a false narrative and step by step makes the victim question their sanity. Rewriting history is a key hallmark, as is refuting what is obvious fact. Silly examples might be commenting on your “black shirt” when the shirt you’re wearing is white, or insist you arrived an hour late when clearly, you were right on time, judging by every clock in the house.
While the victim may wonder if they’re losing their mind, it’s actually the people who do the gaslighting who typically have a mental health disorder. They tend to be pathological liars with strong narcissistic tendencies.
To protect yourself, psychologists recommend you get some distance from the perpetrator, save all evidence (so you can confirm the facts when you get unsure), and set firm boundaries for what you will tolerate and what you won’t. Lastly, you need to sever the relationship — something to keep in mind.
In his monologue, Oliver laments the poor turnout in the local elections, noting that most people are simply worn out by the abuse. Exhausted by the lies. Fatigued beyond care by the hypocrisy. Let this be a lesson to Americans — do not fall into apathy.
The answer is to replace the abusive leadership by voting in record-setting numbers. Get more involved, not less. You could volunteer as a poll worker, for example. It’s true, we’re being hit with phenomenally powerful psychological warfare, but remaining focused on the truth and refusing to get side tracked is your best defense.
Aldous Huxley was a contemporary and mentor of Orwell. In the 1958 interview above, Huxley discussed a series of essays he’d written called “Enemies of Freedom.” The series outlines “impersonal forces” that are “pushing in the direction of progressively less freedom,” and “technological devices” that can be used to accelerate the process by imposing ever greater control of the population.
With the advent of television, Huxley foresaw how an authoritarian leadership could become a source of ‘a one-pointed drumming’ of a single idea, effectively brainwashing the public. Beyond that, he predicted the technological capability to ‘bypass the rational side of man’ and manipulate behavior by influencing people on a subconscious level. This is precisely what we’re faced with today.
Huxley pointed out that as technology becomes more complex, it becomes increasingly necessary to form more elaborate hierarchal organizations to manage it all. Technology also allows for more effective propaganda machines that can be managed through those same control hierarchies.
Huxley cited the success of Hitler, noting that aside from Hitler’s effective use of terror and brute force, “he also used a very efficient form of propaganda. He had the radio, which he used to the fullest extent, and was able to impose his will on an immense mass of people.”
With the advent of television, Huxley foresaw how an authoritarian leadership could become a source of “a one-pointed drumming” of a single idea, effectively brainwashing the public. Beyond that, he predicted the technological capability to “bypass the rational side of man” and manipulate behavior by influencing people on a subconscious level. This is precisely what we’re faced with today.
Google and Facebook have both been collecting data on you for nearly two decades. They have created massive server farms that are capable of analyzing this data with deep learning and artificial intelligence software to mine information and generate incredibly precise details on just what type of propaganda and narrative is required to surreptitiously manipulate your beliefs and behavior.
Huxley argued that to create the dystopian future presented in his books, you would have to centralize wealth, power and control, which is precisely what the technocratic and transhumanist-inspired globalist cabal have been doing. Their control grid is nearly complete.
One of the final nails in our collective coffin will be the rollout of a global digital identity system, as this will give them more or less total control over every human being on the planet. The World Health Organization is working on one. The European Union just announced the rollout of digital ID, and the U.K. government is drawing up legislation to make digital ID services more secure.8
While sold as the ultimate in speed and convenience, digital ID “poses one of the gravest risks to human rights of any technology that we have encountered.” The Expose warns:9
“Ultimately, social credit systems, such as those that are currently being developed in China, will be based on digital ID, thereby enabling or disabling our full and free participation in society.
By developing facial recognition and AI and machine learning technologies in parallel with systems for a Digital ID, we are not simply establishing an identity to access basic social services. Digital IDs will become necessary to function in a connected digital world ...
Digital ID systems, as they are being developed today, are ripe for exploitation and abuse, to the detriment of our freedoms and democracies. You may be thinking that this would never happen in the West and it is only unique to China. But they already enforced it here without you realizing it, through COVID-19 Vaccine Passports.
Mandatory COVID passports have almost nothing to do with public health and everything to do with social control. Why? Because the COVID-19 injections do not prevent infection or transmission ... Vaccine Passports make absolutely zero sense from a Public Health perspective. But they make perfect sense for enforcing a Digital ID and Social Credit system ...
You’ll have to use your Digital ID to buy certain things, be granted access to places, and most probably to even access the mainstream internet. But, if you haven’t done what the Government has decided makes you a ‘good citizen,’ and kept up a good social credit score, you won’t be able to do any of those things.
Once Digital IDs have been normalized, they will be one of the greatest tools that Governments have ever had in their arsenal to both control and manipulate the public and remain in power, thanks to the huge amount of personal data they will generate.”
If centralization is the prerequisite for Huxley’s dystopia, then decentralization is the way to protect against it. Today, the wisdom of this is on full display. I believe decentralization of the internet will be required to prevent censorship and manipulation in the future.
This means that websites and platforms are not stored in one central place that can easily be controlled and manipulated but, rather, widely distributed to thousands, if not millions, of computers all over the world. Because there is no central storage it can’t be removed.
Decentralized platforms allow the majority of power to reside with the individual. Technologies that can be easily misused to control the public narrative must also remain largely decentralized, so that no one person or agency ends up with too much power to manipulate and influence the public. Our modern-day
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