The Great Awakening-In God We Trust

from mercola How Drug Industry Is Countering Diminishing Vaccine Uptake

How Drug Industry Is Countering Diminishing Vaccine Uptake

Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked

  • As lockdowns have kept people at home and out of medical facilities, infant vaccination rates have dropped. This may be why they’ve started promoting baseless claims suggesting common childhood vaccinations might prevent COVID-19 deaths
  • Despite lack of proof, the media claim the TB vaccine, measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) and oral polio vaccines might protect against COVID-19
  • A Singaporean study finds common colds caused by frequently encountered betacoronaviruses might make you more resistant to SARS-CoV-2 infection, and that the resulting immunity might last as long as 17 years
  • If you’ve beaten a common cold caused by a OC43 or HKU1 betacoronavirus in the past, you may have a 50/50 chance of having defensive T-cells that can recognize and help defend against SARS-CoV-2
  • Other studies have also discovered that many appear to have prior resistance to SARS-CoV-2. One study found 70% of patients who had recovered from mild cases of COVID-19, as well as 40% to 60% of people who had not been exposed to the virus, had resistance to SARS-CoV-2 on the T-cell level

From Dr. Joseph Mercola

Since COVID-19 first entered the scene, exchange of ideas has basically been outlawed. By sharing my views and those from various experts throughout the pandemic on COVID treatments and the experimental COVID jabs, I became a main target of the White House, the political establishment and the global cabal.

Propaganda and pervasive censorship have been deployed to seize control over every part of your life, including your health, finances and food supply. The major media are key players and have been instrumental in creating and fueling fear.

I am republishing this article in its original form so that you can see how the progression unfolded.

Originally published: June 26, 2020

As lockdowns have kept people at home and out of medical facilities, infant vaccination rates have dropped. As you might expect, this is bad news for the drug industry, which is likely why they’ve started promoting baseless claims that childhood vaccinations might prevent COVID-19 deaths.

Baseless Claims Seek to Bolster Vaccine Uptake

There’s absolutely no evidence for this, yet, in March 2020, they started pushing the TB vaccine, claiming it might “steel the immune system” against SARS-CoV-2. As reported by Science:1

“Researchers in four countries will soon start a clinical trial of an unorthodox approach to the new coronavirus. They will test whether a century-old vaccine against tuberculosis (TB), a bacterial disease, can rev up the human immune system in a broad way, allowing it to better fight the virus that causes coronavirus disease 2019 and, perhaps, prevent infection with it altogether.”

In April 2020, the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine was touted as a “major breakthrough” against COVID-19. The British Express reported:2

“Researchers at the University of Cambridge said the injection could prevent severe symptoms in people who have had it because the rubella virus has a similar structure to the coronavirus ...

When they compared the rubella virus and the coronavirus the researchers found that they were 29 percent identical ... The researchers have no evidence that the MMR vaccine works on COVID-19 patients but they assured ‘a study is warranted.’”

In June 2020, it was the polio vaccine’s turn in the spotlight. According to The Hill,3 tuberculosis and polio vaccines are being examined “for possible protection against COVID-19.”

Jeffrey D. Cirillo, a professor of microbial pathogenesis and immunology at Texas A&M Health Science Center, went so far as to state, “This is the only vaccine in the world that can be given to combat COVID-19 right now.”

Based on what? Based on vaccination rates in countries such as Pakistan, “where most of the population is vaccinated for tuberculosis and death rates for COVID-19 have been extremely low.” That’s it.

Meanwhile, discussions and evidence showing the benefits of vitamin C and vitamin D — as well as many other therapies — are banned and censored. This, despite significant scientific evidence actually backing their use and showing the biology by which these nutrients and therapies can prevent and/or treat this particular infection. Talk about travesty.

The oral polio vaccine, by the way, is now the primary cause of polio paralysis in the world, not wild polio.4,5 This is an inconvenient fact that is completely ignored by most mainstream media.

Common Cold May Provide Long-Term Immunity Against COVID-19

In related news, June 12, 2020, the Daily Mail,6 Science Times7 and others8 reported findings from a Singaporean study9 led by professor Antonio Bertoletti, an immunologist with the Duke-NUS Medical School, showing common colds caused by the betacoronaviruses OC43 and HKU1 might make you more resistant to SARS-CoV-2 infection, and that the resulting immunity might last as long as 17 years.

Exposure to coronaviruses responsible for the common cold appear to allow your immune system to recognize and fight off SARS-CoV-2 as well.

In addition to the common cold, OC43 and HKU1 — two of the most commonly encountered betacoronaviruses10 — are also known to cause bronchitis, acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and pneumonia in all age groups.11 As reported by the Daily Mail:12

“They share many genetic features with the coronaviruses Covid-19, MERS and SARS, all of which passed from animals to humans. Coronaviruses are thought to account for up to 30 percent of all colds but it is not known specifically how many are caused by the betacoronavirus types.

Now scientists have found evidence that some immunity may be present for many years due to the body's 'memory' T-cells from attacks by previous viruses with a similar genetic make-up — even among people who have had no known exposure to Covid-19 or SARS ...

Blood was taken from 24 patients who had recovered from Covid-19, 23 who had become ill from SARS and 18 who had never been exposed to either SARS or Covid-19 ...

Half of patients in the group with no exposure to either Covid-19 or SARS possessed T-cells which showed immune response to the animal betacoronaviruses, Covid-19 and SARS. This suggested patients' immunity developed after exposure to common colds caused by betacoronavirus or possibly from other as yet unknown pathogens.”

In other words, if you’ve beat a common cold caused by a OC43 or HKU1 betacoronavirus in the past, you may have a 50/50 chance of having defensive T-cells that can recognize and help defend against SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19. According to the researchers:13

“These findings demonstrate that virus-specific memory T-cells induced by betacoronavirus infection are long-lasting, which supports the notion that Covid-19 patients would develop long-term T-cell immunity. Our findings also raise the intriguing possibility that infection with related viruses can also protect from or modify the pathology caused by SARS-Cov-2.”

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Other Studies Show Similar Results

Other studies have also discovered that many appear to have prior resistance to SARS-CoV-2. For example, a study14 published May 14, 2020, in the journal Cell, found 70% of samples obtained by the La Jolla Institute for Immunology from patients who had recovered from mild cases of COVID-19, as well as 40% to 60% of people who had not been exposed to the virus, had resistance to SARS-CoV-2 on the T-cell level.

According to the authors, this suggests there’s “cross-reactive T cell recognition between circulating ‘common cold’ coronaviruses and SARS-CoV-2.” Like Bertoletti’s study above, the Cell study found that exposure to coronaviruses responsible for the common cold appear to allow your immune system to recognize and fight off SARS-CoV-2 as well.

May 14, 2020, Science magazine reported15 these Cell findings, drawing parallels to another earlier paper16 by German investigators that had come to a similar conclusion.

That German paper,17 the preprint of which was posted April 22, 2020, on Medrxiv, found helper T cells that targeted the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in 15 of 18 patients hospitalized with COVID-19. As reported by Science:18

“The teams also asked whether people who haven’t been infected with SARS-CoV-2 also produce cells that combat it. Thiel and colleagues19 analyzed blood from 68 uninfected people and found that 34% hosted helper T cells that recognized SARS-CoV-2.

The La Jolla team20 detected this crossreactivity in about half of stored blood samples collected between 2015 and 2018, well before the current pandemic began ...

The results suggest ‘one reason that a large chunk of the population may be able to deal with the virus is that we may have some small residual immunity from our exposure to common cold viruses,’ says viral immunologist Steven Varga of the University of Iowa. However, neither of the studies attempted to establish that people with crossreactivity don’t become as ill from COVID-19.

Before these studies, researchers didn’t know whether T cells played a role in eliminating SARS-CoV-2, or even whether they could provoke a dangerous immune system overreaction. ‘These papers are really helpful because they start to define the T cell component of the immune response,’ [Columbia University virologist Angela] Rasmussen says.”

Statistician Believes Majority Are Resistant to COVID-19

These studies add support to the latest COVID-19 mortality models suggesting widespread resistance and prior immunity. Freddie Sayers, executive editor of UnHerd, recently interviewed professor Karl Friston, a statistician whose expertise is mathematical modeling, who believes prior immunity across the global population might be as high as 80%. Sayers reports:21

“[Friston] invented the now standard ‘statistical parametric mapping’ technique for understanding brain imaging — and for the past months he has been applying his particular method of Bayesian analysis, which he calls ‘dynamic causal modelling,’ to the available Covid-19 data ...

His models suggest that the stark difference between outcomes in the UK and Germany, for example, is not primarily an effect of different government actions (such as ... earlier lockdowns), but is better explained by intrinsic differences between the populations that make the ‘susceptible population’ in Germany ... much smaller than in the UK ...

Even within the UK, the numbers point to the same thing: that the ‘effective susceptible population’ was never 100%, and was at most 50% and probably more like only 20% of the population.”

These statistics really throw the idea of social distancing being an unavoidable part of the post-COVID-19 “new normal” into question. What’s more, once sensible behaviors such as staying home when sick are entered into Friston’s model, the effect of lockdown efforts vanish altogether, so global lockdowns were likely completely unnecessary in the first place.

Nobel-Prize Winning Scientist Debunks Growth Projections

Michael Levitt,22 a professor of structural biology at the Stanford School of Medicine who received the Nobel Prize in 2013 for his development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems, has also presented strong evidence that supports Friston’s model.

According to Levitt, statistical data reveals a mathematical pattern that has stayed consistent regardless of the government interventions implemented. While early models predicted an exponential explosion of COVID-19 deaths, those predictions never materialized. As reported by Sayers in the video above:

“After around a two-week exponential growth of cases (and, subsequently, deaths) some kind of break kicks in, and growth starts slowing down. The curve quickly becomes ‘sub-exponential.’ This may seem like a technical distinction, but its implications are profound.

The ‘unmitigated’ scenarios modelled by (among others) Imperial College, and which tilted governments across the world into drastic action, relied on a presumption of continued exponential growth ...

But Professor Levitt’s point is that that hasn’t actually happened anywhere, even in countries that have been relatively lax in their responses.”

Levitt believes prior immunity plays a significant role in why we simply don’t see an exponential growth pattern of COVID-19 deaths, and that certainly seems to make sense. A majority of people simply aren’t (and weren’t) susceptible to the disease in the first place.

He tells Sayers the indiscriminate lockdowns implemented around the world were “a huge mistake.” A more rational approach would have been to protect and isolate the elderly, who are by far the most vulnerable and make up the bulk of COVID-19 deaths around the world.

Hopefully, these data will not be swept under the rug if or when a second wave of COVID-19 emerges this fall. Making that mistake once is bad enough. Let us not repeat it.

Last but not least, to bolster your immune system and lower your risk of COVID-19 infection in the future, be sure to follow the instructions given in “Your Vitamin D Level Must Reach 60 ng/mL Before the Second Wave.

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Comment by carol ann parisi on March 11, 2023 at 4:56pm

How Pfizer's Trials Were Fraudulent

Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked

  • Die Welt, a mainstream media outlet in Germany, revealed that numerous subjects who suffered adverse events, including deaths, during Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot trials were removed from the trial data
  • A person known as “Pfizer subject C4591001 1162 11621327” died three days after receiving the second dose of Pfizer’s COVID shot, reportedly due to stroke and arteriosclerosis; it was deemed unrelated to the shots
  • The CDC has since warned that people ages 65 and older who received Pfizer’s updated (bivalent) COVID-19 booster shot may be at increased risk of stroke
  • Die Welt also revealed contradictions in Pfizer documents, adverse events from the shot downplayed and mass unblinding of study subjects, which wasn’t revealed in a later approval study
  • In November 2020, Pfizer claimed their COVID-19 shot was 95% effective against COVID-19, but this was highly misleading and based on flawed methodology, including excluding people who got COVID-19 within 14 days after their first shot
  • Pfizer has profited immensely despite the concerns, earning a record $100 billion in 2022, including $37.8 billion for its COVID-19 shots and $18.9 billion for its antiviral drug Paxlovid

Details continue to emerge about coverups and fraud that took place during Pfizer's COVID-19 shot trials. Die Welt, a mainstream media outlet in Germany, revealed that numerous subjects who suffered adverse events, including deaths, were removed from the trial data.1,2

Meanwhile, trial data were manipulated "to create the illusion" the shot is 90% effective, for instance by excluding participants who got injected and developed COVID-19 within the next 14 days.3 Taken together, it leaves little doubt that COVID-19 shots cannot be trusted.

Deaths Occurred Within Days of Shots

The Die Welt report described several deaths that occurred shortly after the injections, but were excluded from the trial data. Among them was a person known as "Pfizer subject C4591001 1162 11621327." The person, a 60-year-old man, died three days after receiving the second dose of Pfizer's COVID shot, reportedly due to stroke4 and arteriosclerosis.

Independent journalist Igor Chudov detailed the case on Substack, noting that the man was discovered via a welfare check, and may have died within two days of the shot. Chudov reported:5

"According to the medical examiner, the probable cause of death was progression of atherosclerotic disease. Relevant tests were unknown. Autopsy results were not available at the time of this report.

In the opinion of the investigator, there was no reasonable possibility that the arteriosclerosis was related to the study intervention, concomitant medications, or clinical trial procedures, but rather it was related to suspected underlying disease. Pfizer concurred with the investigator's causality assessment."

However, it appears the medical examiner may have been unaware the man had received an experimental COVID-19 shot shortly before his death, and didn't give the examination a closer look. Pfizer also neglected to request the medical examiner's report to assess a potential link. Chudov continued:6

"They just took the police report's word that he died of 'arteriosclerosis,' stated that Covid Vax cannot cause 'arteriosclerosis,' and ruled it 'unrelated.' The patient was buried and forgotten. If I may guess, the examiner's diagnosis was not even accurate. The medications that the deceased took, indicate no ongoing, severe sclerotic disease."

Pfizer Falsely Ruled Deaths Were Unrelated to Shots

Another subject in Pfizer's trial also died 20 days after the shots. The death was ruled as due to a cardiac arrest. But pharmaceutical specialist Susanne Wagner told Die Welt:7

"According to the current state of science, these two cases would be assigned to the vaccination, especially since the U.S. health authority CDC is currently investigating strokes in vaccinated people and it is known. [Pfizer's investigators] falsely ruled these deaths unrelated."

Indeed, an announcement made by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration warned that people ages 65 and older who received Pfizer's updated (bivalent) COVID-19 booster shot may be at increased risk of stroke.8

The CDC's Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), which uses near real-time surveillance to track vaccine safety, flagged the potential safety issue, revealing that those 65 and over were more likely to have an ischemic stroke 21 days after receiving Pfizer's bivalent COVID-19 shot compared to 22 to 44 days later.9

The FDA and CDC released the statement on a Friday night before a three-day weekend, "which is proof they wanted to bury it," Dr. Meryl Nass, a board-certified internal medicine physician with special expertise in vaccine safety and vaccine mandates, said.10 Even Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo tweeted about the odd timing:11,12

"What better time than a Friday afternoon for @CDCgov and @US_FDA to let Americans know that the mRNA shots they've been pushing may be causing strokes? Don't worry, we'll make sure the word gets out — just like we've been doing for months."

Die Welt also revealed contradictions in Pfizer documents and mass unblinding of study subjects, which wasn't revealed in a later approval study:13

"In one fell swoop, the test management said goodbye to 53 subjects on August 31, 2020. The test candidates were 'unblinded,' which means they were informed about their vaccination status, a process that the Pfizer study protocol expressly only provides for 'in emergencies.'

But there is nothing about it in the approval study. In protocol documents that are available to WELT, and which are actually not intended for the public, those responsible get caught up in contradictions."

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Severe Adverse Reaction to Shots Brushed Off

Another example revealed by Die Welt involves trial participant Augusto Roux, a lawyer in Argentina. After receiving his second dose of Pfizer's COVID-19 shot, he experienced shortness of breath and chest pain, and passed out. Within days, he visited a hospital for his symptoms, where he tested negative for COVID-19 but a CT scan showed fluid, or pericardial effusion, in Roux's heart.

A physician noted in his chart, "Adverse reaction to the coronavirus vaccine (high probability)." Despite this connection and ongoing health problems, this adverse reaction was downplayed by Pfizer and listed as unrelated to the shots. According to Die Welt:14

"Over the next few months, Roux lost 14 kilos [30.8 pounds], he had liver problems, and his heart sometimes beat irregularly … The diagnosis for the symptoms after the second vaccination is very likely to be 'pericarditis,' inflammation of the heart. All of this fits exactly with a clinical picture that the Paul Ehrlich Institute also has in its list of 'rare side effects' for mRNA vaccines.

… His story, one might think, should appear in Pfizer's pivotal study papers, but it doesn't. The pharmaceutical company's papers say Roux informed the research team that he was hospitalized with pneumonia on both sides, following the initial report, which was classified as an 'adverse event of toxicity level 1.'

That could have nothing to do with the vaccine, the file goes on to say, it is probably a Covid infection. Not a word that Roux had tested negative for Corona in several PCR tests."

Pfizer Created an 'Illusion' of Effectiveness

In November 2020, Pfizer claimed its COVID-19 shot was 95% effective against COVID-19, but this was highly misleading and based on flawed methodology.15 One trick used to get this misleadingly high efficacy figure is to ignore people who got COVID-19 within 14 days after their first shot.

In Pfizer's trial, 37.2% of those who were tested for COVID-19 within 13 days of their first shot were positive — but not counted as such. How can this skew results? As explained on Substack's "Where are the numbers," a newsletter about the abuse of science and statistics:16

"Imagine the most extreme case in which every vaccinated person gets covid within the first two weeks of their first dose. Then, assuming (as is likely) that none get infected a second time within the 19 weeks, according to the study definition no vaccinated people ever got covid over the whole period of the study.

If only one person in the the unvaccinated comparative cohort had got covid, over the same period, the vaccine efficacy (defined as one minus the proportion of vaccinated infected divided by the proportion of unvaccinated infected times 100) will be reported as 100%."

The study found that during any two-week period from December 28, 2020, to May 19, 2021, the COVID-19 infection rate was about 0.8%, compared to 37.2% among those tested within two weeks of their first shot.

"If people were tested every two weeks then we could reasonably conclude the vaccinated were getting infected — within two weeks of their first jab — at a rate that was almost 50 times greater than the general rate for this population," but "if you don't look for covid, by not testing for it, or by ignoring the test results you won't find it."17

They also pointed out that no deaths occurred among the participants who tested positive for COVID-19 and had at least one COVID-19-like symptom, including among the 812 (out of 1,482) who were unvaccinated. But since this clearly makes the shots look unnecessary and ineffective, it was conveniently ignored:18

"[T]here was a grand total of zero deaths: an infection fatality rate (IFR) of 0%. And 812 of those were unvaccinated. Bear in mind that this when covid was supposed to have been rampaging globally and causing widespread death.

And of course that nugget somehow never got mentioned in the abstract, mains results, conclusions, or discussion. It only appeared in the detailed results section (along with the fact that only 2% were hospitalized)."

More Deaths in the Shot Group Than the Placebo Group

Former Blackrock portfolio manager Edward Dowd also warned about problems with Pfizer's trial. A friend from the biotech industry told him that the all-cause mortality endpoint had been missed by Pfizer in the original clinical trial, meaning that in the jab group there were more deaths than in the placebo group. Normally, during the drug approval process, if you fail that endpoint, you do not get approved.

Dowd said. "When that came out in November, the biotech executives who saw that decided they weren't going to get boosters, and the people who weren't vaxxed were not going to get vaxxed."19

Whistleblower Brooke Jackson, a regional director formerly employed by Pfizer subcontractor Ventavia Research Group, which was testing Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, also witnessed falsified data, unblinded patients, inadequately trained vaccinators and lack of proper follow-up on adverse events that were reported.

"I was working on Pfizer's trial," she said in the film "Anecdotals."20 "What I saw was like nothing I've ever seen before." She explained:21

"The speed in which they were enrolling in the study — four to five coordinators pushing through 40, 50, 60 patients a day. We were not storing the vaccine at its appropriate temperature, the failures in reporting serious adverse events. We had so many reports of adverse events … we just could not keep up. The study doctor signed a physical exam when he wasn't even in clinic.

Then Ventavia had unblinded every patient that was randomized in the trial. When we brought it to their attention, that's what we were instructed to do — remove the evidence and destroy it. Emails about mislabeled blood specimens per Pfizer's protocol, we should have immediately stopped enrolling, but they never told Pfizer.

I would bring the concerns to my managers and it was, 'We're understaffed.' The FDA — they only see what Pfizer gives them. So I was documenting all of this. And on the 25th of September, I went directly to the FDA, and about six and a half hours later, I lost my job. I was fired."

The FDA and Pfizer attempted to hide the COVID-19 shot clinical trial data for 75 years, but the FDA was ordered by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas to release redacted versions of trial documents on a much faster schedule. As part of the court order, 80,000 pages of documents related to the FDA's approval of Pfizer's COVID-19 shots were released June 1, 2022.22

Among those documents were case report forms revealing that deaths and severe adverse events took place during Phase 3 trials, but, as reported by Children's Health Defense, Pfizer had "a trend of classifying almost all adverse events — and in particular severe adverse events — as being 'not related' to the vaccine."23

Pfizer has profited immensely nonetheless, earning a record $100 billion in 2022, including $37.8 billion for its COVID-19 shots and $18.9 billion for its antiviral drug Paxlovid.24

Comment by carol ann parisi on March 9, 2023 at 4:56pm

How Pfizer's Trials Were Fraudulent

Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked

  • Die Welt, a mainstream media outlet in Germany, revealed that numerous subjects who suffered adverse events, including deaths, during Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot trials were removed from the trial data
  • A person known as “Pfizer subject C4591001 1162 11621327” died three days after receiving the second dose of Pfizer’s COVID shot, reportedly due to stroke and arteriosclerosis; it was deemed unrelated to the shots
  • The CDC has since warned that people ages 65 and older who received Pfizer’s updated (bivalent) COVID-19 booster shot may be at increased risk of stroke
  • Die Welt also revealed contradictions in Pfizer documents, adverse events from the shot downplayed and mass unblinding of study subjects, which wasn’t revealed in a later approval study
  • In November 2020, Pfizer claimed their COVID-19 shot was 95% effective against COVID-19, but this was highly misleading and based on flawed methodology, including excluding people who got COVID-19 within 14 days after their first shot
  • Pfizer has profited immensely despite the concerns, earning a record $100 billion in 2022, including $37.8 billion for its COVID-19 shots and $18.9 billion for its antiviral drug Paxlovid

Details continue to emerge about coverups and fraud that took place during Pfizer's COVID-19 shot trials. Die Welt, a mainstream media outlet in Germany, revealed that numerous subjects who suffered adverse events, including deaths, were removed from the trial data.1,2

Meanwhile, trial data were manipulated "to create the illusion" the shot is 90% effective, for instance by excluding participants who got injected and developed COVID-19 within the next 14 days.3 Taken together, it leaves little doubt that COVID-19 shots cannot be trusted.

Deaths Occurred Within Days of Shots

The Die Welt report described several deaths that occurred shortly after the injections, but were excluded from the trial data. Among them was a person known as "Pfizer subject C4591001 1162 11621327." The person, a 60-year-old man, died three days after receiving the second dose of Pfizer's COVID shot, reportedly due to stroke4 and arteriosclerosis.

Independent journalist Igor Chudov detailed the case on Substack, noting that the man was discovered via a welfare check, and may have died within two days of the shot. Chudov reported:5

"According to the medical examiner, the probable cause of death was progression of atherosclerotic disease. Relevant tests were unknown. Autopsy results were not available at the time of this report.

In the opinion of the investigator, there was no reasonable possibility that the arteriosclerosis was related to the study intervention, concomitant medications, or clinical trial procedures, but rather it was related to suspected underlying disease. Pfizer concurred with the investigator's causality assessment."

However, it appears the medical examiner may have been unaware the man had received an experimental COVID-19 shot shortly before his death, and didn't give the examination a closer look. Pfizer also neglected to request the medical examiner's report to assess a potential link. Chudov continued:6

"They just took the police report's word that he died of 'arteriosclerosis,' stated that Covid Vax cannot cause 'arteriosclerosis,' and ruled it 'unrelated.' The patient was buried and forgotten. If I may guess, the examiner's diagnosis was not even accurate. The medications that the deceased took, indicate no ongoing, severe sclerotic disease."

Pfizer Falsely Ruled Deaths Were Unrelated to Shots

Another subject in Pfizer's trial also died 20 days after the shots. The death was ruled as due to a cardiac arrest. But pharmaceutical specialist Susanne Wagner told Die Welt:7

"According to the current state of science, these two cases would be assigned to the vaccination, especially since the U.S. health authority CDC is currently investigating strokes in vaccinated people and it is known. [Pfizer's investigators] falsely ruled these deaths unrelated."

Indeed, an announcement made by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration warned that people ages 65 and older who received Pfizer's updated (bivalent) COVID-19 booster shot may be at increased risk of stroke.8

The CDC's Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), which uses near real-time surveillance to track vaccine safety, flagged the potential safety issue, revealing that those 65 and over were more likely to have an ischemic stroke 21 days after receiving Pfizer's bivalent COVID-19 shot compared to 22 to 44 days later.9

The FDA and CDC released the statement on a Friday night before a three-day weekend, "which is proof they wanted to bury it," Dr. Meryl Nass, a board-certified internal medicine physician with special expertise in vaccine safety and vaccine mandates, said.10 Even Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo tweeted about the odd timing:11,12

"What better time than a Friday afternoon for @CDCgov and @US_FDA to let Americans know that the mRNA shots they've been pushing may be causing strokes? Don't worry, we'll make sure the word gets out — just like we've been doing for months."

Die Welt also revealed contradictions in Pfizer documents and mass unblinding of study subjects, which wasn't revealed in a later approval study:13

"In one fell swoop, the test management said goodbye to 53 subjects on August 31, 2020. The test candidates were 'unblinded,' which means they were informed about their vaccination status, a process that the Pfizer study protocol expressly only provides for 'in emergencies.'

But there is nothing about it in the approval study. In protocol documents that are available to WELT, and which are actually not intended for the public, those responsible get caught up in contradictions."

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Severe Adverse Reaction to Shots Brushed Off

Another example revealed by Die Welt involves trial participant Augusto Roux, a lawyer in Argentina. After receiving his second dose of Pfizer's COVID-19 shot, he experienced shortness of breath and chest pain, and passed out. Within days, he visited a hospital for his symptoms, where he tested negative for COVID-19 but a CT scan showed fluid, or pericardial effusion, in Roux's heart.

A physician noted in his chart, "Adverse reaction to the coronavirus vaccine (high probability)." Despite this connection and ongoing health problems, this adverse reaction was downplayed by Pfizer and listed as unrelated to the shots. According to Die Welt:14

"Over the next few months, Roux lost 14 kilos [30.8 pounds], he had liver problems, and his heart sometimes beat irregularly … The diagnosis for the symptoms after the second vaccination is very likely to be 'pericarditis,' inflammation of the heart. All of this fits exactly with a clinical picture that the Paul Ehrlich Institute also has in its list of 'rare side effects' for mRNA vaccines.

… His story, one might think, should appear in Pfizer's pivotal study papers, but it doesn't. The pharmaceutical company's papers say Roux informed the research team that he was hospitalized with pneumonia on both sides, following the initial report, which was classified as an 'adverse event of toxicity level 1.'

That could have nothing to do with the vaccine, the file goes on to say, it is probably a Covid infection. Not a word that Roux had tested negative for Corona in several PCR tests."

Pfizer Created an 'Illusion' of Effectiveness

In November 2020, Pfizer claimed its COVID-19 shot was 95% effective against COVID-19, but this was highly misleading and based on flawed methodology.15 One trick used to get this misleadingly high efficacy figure is to ignore people who got COVID-19 within 14 days after their first shot.

In Pfizer's trial, 37.2% of those who were tested for COVID-19 within 13 days of their first shot were positive — but not counted as such. How can this skew results? As explained on Substack's "Where are the numbers," a newsletter about the abuse of science and statistics:16

"Imagine the most extreme case in which every vaccinated person gets covid within the first two weeks of their first dose. Then, assuming (as is likely) that none get infected a second time within the 19 weeks, according to the study definition no vaccinated people ever got covid over the whole period of the study.

If only one person in the the unvaccinated comparative cohort had got covid, over the same period, the vaccine efficacy (defined as one minus the proportion of vaccinated infected divided by the proportion of unvaccinated infected times 100) will be reported as 100%."

The study found that during any two-week period from December 28, 2020, to May 19, 2021, the COVID-19 infection rate was about 0.8%, compared to 37.2% among those tested within two weeks of their first shot.

"If people were tested every two weeks then we could reasonably conclude the vaccinated were getting infected — within two weeks of their first jab — at a rate that was almost 50 times greater than the general rate for this population," but "if you don't look for covid, by not testing for it, or by ignoring the test results you won't find it."17

They also pointed out that no deaths occurred among the participants who tested positive for COVID-19 and had at least one COVID-19-like symptom, including among the 812 (out of 1,482) who were unvaccinated. But since this clearly makes the shots look unnecessary and ineffective, it was conveniently ignored:18

"[T]here was a grand total of zero deaths: an infection fatality rate (IFR) of 0%. And 812 of those were unvaccinated. Bear in mind that this when covid was supposed to have been rampaging globally and causing widespread death.

And of course that nugget somehow never got mentioned in the abstract, mains results, conclusions, or discussion. It only appeared in the detailed results section (along with the fact that only 2% were hospitalized)."

More Deaths in the Shot Group Than the Placebo Group

Former Blackrock portfolio manager Edward Dowd also warned about problems with Pfizer's trial. A friend from the biotech industry told him that the all-cause mortality endpoint had been missed by Pfizer in the original clinical trial, meaning that in the jab group there were more deaths than in the placebo group. Normally, during the drug approval process, if you fail that endpoint, you do not get approved.

Dowd said. "When that came out in November, the biotech executives who saw that decided they weren't going to get boosters, and the people who weren't vaxxed were not going to get vaxxed."19

Whistleblower Brooke Jackson, a regional director formerly employed by Pfizer subcontractor Ventavia Research Group, which was testing Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, also witnessed falsified data, unblinded patients, inadequately trained vaccinators and lack of proper follow-up on adverse events that were reported.

"I was working on Pfizer's trial," she said in the film "Anecdotals."20 "What I saw was like nothing I've ever seen before." She explained:21

"The speed in which they were enrolling in the study — four to five coordinators pushing through 40, 50, 60 patients a day. We were not storing the vaccine at its appropriate temperature, the failures in reporting serious adverse events. We had so many reports of adverse events … we just could not keep up. The study doctor signed a physical exam when he wasn't even in clinic.

Then Ventavia had unblinded every patient that was randomized in the trial. When we brought it to their attention, that's what we were instructed to do — remove the evidence and destroy it. Emails about mislabeled blood specimens per Pfizer's protocol, we should have immediately stopped enrolling, but they never told Pfizer.

I would bring the concerns to my managers and it was, 'We're understaffed.' The FDA — they only see what Pfizer gives them. So I was documenting all of this. And on the 25th of September, I went directly to the FDA, and about six and a half hours later, I lost my job. I was fired."

The FDA and Pfizer attempted to hide the COVID-19 shot clinical trial data for 75 years, but the FDA was ordered by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas to release redacted versions of trial documents on a much faster schedule. As part of the court order, 80,000 pages of documents related to the FDA's approval of Pfizer's COVID-19 shots were released June 1, 2022.22

Among those documents were case report forms revealing that deaths and severe adverse events took place during Phase 3 trials, but, as reported by Children's Health Defense, Pfizer had "a trend of classifying almost all adverse events — and in particular severe adverse events — as being 'not related' to the vaccine."23

Pfizer has profited immensely nonetheless, earning a record $100 billion in 2022, including $37.8 billion for its COVID-19 shots and $18.9 billion for its antiviral drug Paxlovid.24


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