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Early on in the COVID pandemic, Francis Boyle, Ph.D., was sure it was the result of a lab leak. He believes monkeypox is another lab creation, as it now suddenly has 30 mutations from the wild monkeypox found in Africa
President Biden recently signed the Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe and Secure American Bioeconomy, and this order basically promises we’ll see additional manmade pandemics
Section 12, paragraph VII in Biden’s executive order states that the purpose of the order is to “develop and work and promote and implement ... dual-use research of concern, and research involving potentially pandemic and other high-consequence pathogens”
That means they intend to perform gain-of-function research on deadly pathogens, any one of which could be released to create a global pandemic when a scare event is necessary to trick populations into choosing a false sense of safety over freedom. Boyle believes there’s no doubt there will be additional pandemics, because they’re intentionally creating them
Boyle believes monkeypox was engineered and released in an effort to scare governments and populations into accepting the World Health Organization’s pandemic treaty, which would make the WHO the sole decision-maker in pandemic situations
In this interview, repeat guest Francis Boyle — whose background includes an undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago, a juris doctor (lawyer) degree from Harvard and a Ph.D. in political science — shares his views on the latest efforts to instill fear in the public, this time about monkeypox.
For decades, Boyle has advocated against the development and use of bioweapons, which COVID-19 appears to be. He called for biowarfare legislation at the Biological Weapons Convention of 1972, and drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act, which was passed unanimously by both houses of Congress and signed into law by George Bush, Sr. in 1989.
Early on in the pandemic, Boyle was sure COVID-19 was the result of a lab leak. In fact, he was one of the first to bring that up. Of course, for the past two-plus years, anyone who shared the lab leak theory was vilified, discredited, censored and deplatformed. Today, we know that information was true, and even mainstream media are starting to report on it.
As detailed in “Executive Order Advances Biotech-Transhumanist Agenda,” President Biden recently signed the “Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe and Secure American Bioeconomy.”1 As noted by Boyle, this executive order basically ensures the creation of additional bioweapons:
“It's a very lengthy executive order. At the very end, they give it all away, where it says, [in Section 12] Paragraph VII, that the purpose of this is to ‘develop and work and promote and implement ... dual-use research of concern, and research involving potentially pandemic and other high-consequence pathogens ...’
Now let me work that out for you. ‘Dual-use research of concern’ means offensive and then defensive biological warfare weapons. The Bidenites admit here that their agenda is to promote and implement more offensive biological warfare weapons. That's what ‘dual-use research of concern’ means.
Then, to try to perfect these weapons with some type of bogus vaccine involving reverse engineering or something like that. Notice, they admit they are going to develop these offensive biological warfare weapons, ‘involving potentially pandemic and other high consequence pathogens.’
They are going to research, develop more biological warfare weapons like COVID-19, that the United States government was involved in. They admit this right here.
Now, you listen to the mainstream news media and everyone is saying ‘Yes, the next pandemic is coming.’ This is where it is coming from — right here, ‘dual-use research of concern involving potentially pandemic and other high consequence pathogens.’”
If you wonder whether this kind of dual-use bioweapons research might violate the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act, the answer is yes. The 1989 act directly prohibits this kind of activity. But beyond its unlawfulness, Boyle’s primary concern is that it’s existentially dangerous to continue down this path.
“COVID-19, which I was the first to blow the whistle on, was clearly an offensive biological warfare weapon with gain of function properties that had leaked out of that Wuhan BSL-4, China's Fort Detrick.
The Bidenites have made it clear they're going full speed ahead. They have crossed the Rubicon. They do not intend to turn back. They're doubling down, they're tripling down. In my opinion, this is what confronts us now today,” he says.
While some claim an executive order can override a previous law and/or signed treaty, according to Boyle, this is incorrect on both accounts.
“No, an executive order cannot override my Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act, and it cannot override the Biological Weapons Convention,” he says. “This is just an in-run around both of them — an attempted in-run, despite the fact that violation of my Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act is a felony punishable by life imprisonment.
The Department of Justice did want me, repeatedly, to put the death penalty in there, but I'm a lifelong abolitionist and I did not want any statute of mine to carry the death penalty.”
So, then, which takes precedence? And how do we resolve or reconcile this conflict? According to Boyle, no reconciliation is possible, barring new legislation by Congress.
“Whoever drafted this [executive order] knew full well that they were violating the Biological Weapons Convention and my Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act. An executive order cannot supersede either a treaty or a statute. Only a subsequent statute by Congress could do that.”
A related tangent brought up in the interview is how the Emergency Powers Act has been misused to strip us of personal freedoms and liberties. Essentially, this pandemic has demonstrated that you can turn a democratically elected Congress into a tyrannical regime that can rule without restraint.
Boyle recently published a book in which he discusses this, titled “Resisting Medical Tyranny: Why the COVID-19 Mandates Are Criminal.” In it, he also details how we can fight against this tyrannical overreach using peaceful and entirely legal means.
This is really important, and brings us to the issue of monkeypox, which was declared a public health emergency in late July 2022, as it cuts to the core of the global cabal’s strategy to enslave the world by progressively chipping away at our personal freedoms under the justification of “biosecurity.” As noted by Boyle:
“In my opinion, this monkeypox epidemic ... was a biological warfare weapon with gain of function properties that came out of someone's lab and was released in multiple locations to scare people. Why?
I don't think it was a coincidence at all that the World Health Organization, their meeting at the World Health Assembly (WHA) was considering regulations that would have done, once again, an in-run over and around the sovereignty of the United States of America and our state and local governments to control our health care.
Under the Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution, public health falls within the control of state and local governments, not the federal government. That is why, down there in Florida or in Texas, you can have governors adopting different policies from [those] issued by the CDC [Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention] in Washington, D.C.
You have several governors now rebelling against these totalitarian dictatorial [edicts] coming out of Washington, D.C., In order to try to stop that, they came up with these regulations that they tried to get through the World Health Assembly earlier this summer, and that failed.
The monkeypox, in my opinion, was then released in order to scare the governments of the world into accepting these regulations. That failed,2 but ... the WHO is now meeting to negotiate and conclude a treaty that will fold into it the same WHA regulations ...
The purpose of this [global] WHO treaty, once again, is to do an in-run around American sovereignty to make decisions at a state and local basis as to how to treat matters of public health in the next pandemic, which they know is coming, because they're already preparing for it in accordance with the biotech executive order that I just quoted to you.
They know it's coming. They're preparing it. They're getting it ready. The next time, by means of this WHO treaty, they will then attempt to argue that the treaty is the supreme law of the land under Article VI of the U.S. Constitution and therefore trumps and displaces the ability of state and local governments ... to determine public health.
Indeed, there is a Supreme Court case to that effect that they know all about, Missouri vs. Holland, that if a treaty is concluded, it does override the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. We have to understand these people know exactly what they are doing, and we have to stop them.”
The WHO met in Washington, D.C., from September 26 through September 30, 2022,3 and according to Boyle, treaty discussions were part of that session. Boyle suggests we need to call on our senators to sign a letter that they will vote against any WHO treaty coming down the line, and then forward that letter to the World Health Assembly, the WHO and member nations.
“If we can get one-third plus one members of the United States Senate to sign [such a letter], I think that will kill this proposed treaty,” Boyle says. Other nations could do the same. To be clear, this WHO treaty is global in nature, so the U.S. is not the only country that stands to lose its sovereignty were it to pass. All member states are in the same boat.
“If the treaty gets passed, then they will use that treaty to enforce WHO [recommendations] all over the world on the handling of the next pandemic, and that will get us all killed,” Boyle says.
“The WHO is a rotten, corrupt, criminal organization, and the proof of that is [that] the WHO is a sponsoring institution of the Wuhan BSL-4, which is China's Fort Detrick. Imagine if the WHO were a sponsoring organization of our Fort Dietrich. We would know the cat was out of the bag. That's exactly what's going on here with the WHO.
The CDC, Bill Gates, the Chinese Communist government and Big Pharma that pay for the WHO will force everyone to continue to take more vaccines ... and more boosters, forever. There'll be no end to it.”
At present, it seems they will simply continue to push until the treaty passes. Getting at more than one-third of the U.S. Senate to reject any possible treaty with the WHO, now or in the future, may be the only way to stop it permanently.
“[The treaty] will probably pass the WHO assembly,” Boyle says. “The U.S. government representative could sign it and then they would send it to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for ratification by the Senate.
We need to head this off as soon as we can with this letter [signed by] one-third plus one of the Senate, just saying ‘We're going to reject it.’ We have to start lobbying now against the treaty. We'll have limited time once it goes to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Remember, the Democrats control the Senate. They control the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
They could get it through very quickly to present it to the full Senate. We have to go all out to stop this treaty. You're down there in Florida. I would certainly hope you could alert Governor DeSantis to the dangers here. His powers will be terminated under the terms of this treaty to regulate all public health.
He'll be obligated to obey whatever the WHO tells him to obey. If he does not, then the federal government can go into the United States federal district court and get an injunction under the treaty, mandating that he comply, and if he does not, he could be fined if not jailed for contempt. It's a very dangerous situation.”
Indeed, most people don't fully appreciate the implications of this WHO treaty. The ramifications are truly profound. Expanding on what could occur were it to be passed, Boyle says:
“I have already pointed out that in Biden’s executive order, they are going full steam ahead to develop offensive biological warfare weapons using DNA, genetic engineering, synthetic biology, gain-of-function properties, et cetera, including for pandemics.
That's the next COVID-19 pandemic right there. They've admitted it in writing. Knowing full well the next pandemic is coming because they're developing it, it's coming out of their laboratories, we have to shut down their BSL-3 and BSL-4 [laboratories].
They are now planning and preparing — by means of this treaty — to demand that all public health authorities here in the United States of America obey anything the CDC tells them to do in the next pandemic, and in the COVID 19 pandemic.
If they do not, they can be sued before a federal judge in U.S. district court, get an injunction, get fines, be found guilty of contempt. That's what's at stake here. Yes, it will do a total in-run around the governors of Florida and Texas, North Dakota, et cetera, and eliminate all of their power.
The CDC and the WHO literally will be Stalinist dictators telling us what we have to do when it comes to the next pandemic, which they are already planning right now in accordance with Biden’s Biotechnology order. It's that simple ...
The biotechnology executive order and this WHO treaty are connected with each other, and the monkeypox [outbreak], I think, was designed to scaremonger everyone into going along with the WHO regulations and now with the WHO treaty. They needed something new, so monkeypox was released.”
At the time of this writing, there’s no U.S. campaign to get senators to sign a letter stating they will reject a WHO treaty. That has yet to be created. If you know of one, or get one started, be sure to share it in the comment section.
In the U.K, there’s a petition underway calling on the British Parliament to not sign any WHO pandemic treaty unless it is first approved by public referendum. If you’re in the U.K., you can sign that Parliamentary petition here.
The British parliament will consider all petitions with more than 100,000 signatures, and this one, at the time of this writing, has 154,660 signatures. It will remain open until November 17, 2022. (An earlier petition was rejected because it didn’t spell out what the people wanted government to do. The updated petition clarifies the desired action.)
While Boyle ended up on the opposite end of the spectrum in terms of worldview, he underwent the same education as many of the global cabal leaders who are now trying to destroy the world and, seemingly, everything and everyone in it. He explains:
“Klaus Schwab studied at Harvard, but not my program. The program I was in was the GSAS [graduate school of arts and sciences] Ph.D. program, where Harvard trains future professors of political science like [Henry] Kissinger, [Zbigniew] Brzezinski and Samuel Huntington.
Schwab went to the Kennedy School at Harvard. The Kennedy School is a misnomer because there Harvard trains future U.S. imperial governmental operatics and spear-carriers. They're all warmongers and spooks there — I was there when it was set up — and their fellow travelers and fifth columnists in foreign countries that get incorporated into the U.S. imperial elite.
Klaus Schwab, when he studied there, said he found Kissinger to be the most competent person at Harvard. Well, Kissinger, I went through the exact same program [as him]. He is a diehard Machiavellian. There's no question about it. He does not have a principled bone in his body ... Kissinger was the one who got Schwab the job heading the Davos forum.
We have to understand that behind Kissinger, as behind Brzezinski, is the Rockefeller family paying the bills, pulling the strings. Kissinger and Brzezinski had been on the Rockefeller family payroll for quite some time. Brzezinski was head of the Trilateral Commission set up by David Rockefeller ...
We also know that when Kissinger worked for Nixon, Kissinger put out that infamous national security directive that population control and reduction is part of the national security policy of the United States of America. I haven't read anywhere that ... [it] has been revoked. That is really what’s going on here with Klaus Schwab, the Davos forum, the Davos crowd, based on my experience.”
Even closer to the top of the globalist pyramid we find the Rothschild family, whose power preceded the Rockefellers by centuries. Considering Boyle has been a Harvard insider his entire career, how did he escape the brainwashing that occurs there?
“Well, what happened was, at the end of May 1967, I had just turned 17 and I was so appalled by the Vietnam War that I resolved to myself that I would get the most elite education I possibly could, and turn it against the people running United States Empire. That's what happened. It’s what I decided to do with my life.”
As Boyle stated earlier, he believes monkeypox is another lab creation released for the purpose of scaring the public into accepting a health dictatorship under the leadership of the WHO.
“As I said, they are going to continue to release bioengineered pandemics on us when it suits their interest, like they did Amerithrax in October 2001 to ram the USA Patriot Act through Congress — which set up a police state in the United States of America that we are still grappling with — and like COVID-19 and the monkeypox too. There'll be no end to this process.
My estimation in looking at the timing of the monkeypox, it clearly came out of someone's biological warfare laboratory ... It has 30 genetic mutations beyond the wild type monkeypox in Africa. The only way it could have gotten 30 genetic mutations beyond [wild] monkeypox is it was done in someone's lab ...
It was released just as they were trying to get these regulations through the World Health Assembly. It was deliberately designed to scaremonger governments to go along with those WHA regulations.
It's still continuing today, to get this WHO treaty passed, though it hasn't been as successful, I think, as they had originally believed [it would be]. [But] we know from the Biden executive order there will be some other biowarfare pandemic or epidemic coming, whenever they think they have to scare people into following their agenda, which is clearly set forth in The Great Reset by Schwab.
Just read his book. It's all in there, including transhumanism and the rest of it ... But I don't think they have succeeded with the monkeypox to scare people enough to go along with this WHO treaty, which will put dictatorial powers in the hands of [WHO director-general] Tedros [Adhanom Ghebreyesus], the WHO, Bill Gates, the CDC and the Chinese communist government.
All that indicates is that we'll probably have some other scaremongering biowarfare event. That's pretty clear from the Biden administration biotech order. They're planning and preparing it right now. It's in someone's lab. We just don't know what it is going to be.”
Of course, they also have a number of other avenues they could use, including supply chain disruptions, food and fuel shortages, deindustrialization, nuclear war and more. So, there are a lot of different things they can do to activate the fear factor and seize global control.
Nuclear war is starting to look like a possibility as NATO keeps fanning the flames of conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and a nuclear emergency could also put the entire country under Marshall Law overnight. Boyle comments:
“The Bidenites appear, at this point, to be engaging in acts of hostility, belligerent acts, acts of war against Russia, without authorization by the United States Congress in violation of the War Powers Resolution, in violation of the War Powers Clause of the U.S. Constitution.
We are in a de facto, I would not say yet de jure, but a de facto state of war with Russia. Foreign Minister Lavrov has just said, ‘We're on the verge of a de jure war with the United States.’ If it threatens to go nuclear, sure, the Bidenites could ... put us all under Martial Law.”
To learn more about how you can resist tyrannical overreach, check out Boyle’s book, “Resisting Medical Tyranny: Why the COVID-19 Mandates Are Criminal.”
“I have several legal strategies in there that ordinary people can conduct, including trying to get state and local prosecutors to indict Fauci and the rest of them for murder and conspiracy to commit murder,” Boyle says.
“We want them to indict Fauci, not just file a civil lawsuit. We want them to indict. I had a 45-minute meeting by Zoom with the attorney general of Louisiana, and I went through the Louisiana homicide statute with respect to Fauci and Collins and the pharma people. He agreed with my theory of the case under the Louisiana homicide statute.
There it sits. We'll have to see what he does with it. Then I had a 35-minute meeting with the Deputy Attorney General of South Carolina. I went through the South Carolina homicide statute with him, and he agreed with my theory of the case.
Basically, it's a political issue. People need to demand that these two categories of people — those who developed COVID-19, Fauci and Collins, and then the executives of the drug companies making the Frankenshots — be indicted for murder and conspiracy to commit murder. Those [case details] are explained in great detail in my book, ‘Resisting Medical Tyranny.’”
Boyle also laid out this strategy in a previous interview, featured in “Roadmap for Prosecuting COVID Crimes.” I’ve been trying to implement that strategy myself, and am in the process of connecting U.S. Right to Know — a group that through FOIA request has amassed irrefutable evidence of a conspiracy to cover up the lab leak theory — with Florida’s attorney general.
I’m hoping we can get the attorney general’s office to indict the key criminals responsible for the creation of SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID shots, which have now killed and injured far more people worldwide than the virus itself. You can help by contacting the AGs of Louisiana, South Carolina and Florida and urging them to pursue these cases.
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What is Pharmakeia Anyway?
Shelley McLaughlin, IFA Contributing Writer | December 18, 2021
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What is Pharmakeia Anyway?
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I PRAYED1,257 have prayed
Abba Father, all your children have gone astray and need the Good Shepherd to lead us and deliver us to true life in You. Help us to inspect ourselves with Your Holy Spirit and Your Holy Word of Truth. Help us when we are sad, or sick, or hurting.
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A recent article by Christianity Today identified the #1 search for Bible terms – in terms of percentage increase – during 2021 as sorcery as Christians search the scriptures to learn more about a specific activity involved with sorcery called pharmakeia.
In this word study you will learn:
Pharmakeia is connected to fear, sorcery, idolatry, and adultery in a strong religious bond of faith.
Sorcery and Pharmakeia are used by heads of state throughout the Bible, and by all the kings of the earth at the end of time.
Pharmakeia uses poison which has adverse effects of harming through severe organ damage or death if it is ingested, breathed in, injected, or absorbed under the skin.
Pharmakeia is associated with abortion, child/human sacrifice, and animal sacrifice.
Those who engage in pharmakeia are preparing, distributing, and administering these substances and practices and/or receiving them.
Pharmakeia is a false hope and deception of false peace, false healing, and a false future.
Participation in sorcery activities without repentance prevents a person from receiving the Holy Spirit.
Participation in pharmakeia without repentance forfeits a person’s right to enter the Kingdom of God.
Participation in pharmakeia without repentance places people in danger of the lake of fire, which is the second death.
What is the difference between pharmakeia and sorcery?
You can participate in activities associated with sorcery without participating in pharmakeia, but if you participate in pharmakeia – you are absolutely participating in sorcery.
How does God’s word define sorcery?
A quick visit to Deuteronomy 18:9-14 provides a list of activities associated with this practice that are considered unacceptable to God including: child sacrifice, divination or rebellion against God’s instructions, conjuring spirits, studying omens and signs for the purposes of predicting the future, practicing sorcery or witchcraft, practicing magic and casting spells, consulting mediums to speak with the dead or talking to individuals who can communicate with spirits.
Do you see pharmakeia in there? The root word associated with it is.
When you search for “sorcery” in the New Testament, you will find the use of the Greek word pharmakos (Strong’s Greek 5333) in Revelation 9:21 where it is noted that even after the 6th Trumpet blows those engaged in sorcery fail to repent.
Revelation 21:8 tells us what happens to those who choose not to repent. They will experience the second death along with cowards, unbelievers, those who are abominable, murderers, the sexually immoral/adulterers, idolators and all liars. Revelation 22:15 explains they are excluded from His Kingdom.
In Acts 8 in the New Testament, Simon the Sorcerer was performing signs and miracles through the power of sorcery, not the Holy Spirit. When he asks Simon Peter how he could purchase the Holy Spirit, Simon Peter explains that he would not be able to truly receive it until he repented of his behavior.
According to Britannica, pharmakos was a Greek religion that was associated with human and animal sacrifice. Pharmakos is used as the equivalent of the Hebrew word kasap (Strong’s Hebrew 3784) within the Septuagint, a translation of Hebrew text into Greek.
Kasap appears in Deuteronomy 18:10 as the English words: sorcerer or witch.
Is there is a connection between government, sorcery, and idolatry?
Throughout the Bible, sorcerers serve the heads of state. Sorcerers served as advisors to Pharoah’s Court in Exodus 7:11, and Nebuchadnezzar’s Court in Babylon in Daniel 2:2. Both kingdoms were clearly idolatrous with kings who considered themselves gods to be worshipped.
Even in Israel, Samuel draws a direct line between the two while rebuking King Saul in 1 Samuel 15 stating that “rebellion is the same as divination (sorcery) and pride is the same as idolatry.” After Samuel’s death, King Saul, experiencing great fear against a formidable opponent, consulted a sorcerer to serve as a medium to contact Samuel for knowledge.
We know from Psalms 115 and 135 engaging in pride or trusting in idols dulls your spiritual senses and understanding, rendering you blind to the works of the One True God.
The Egyptian sorcerers (magicians) were eventually able to identify the finger of God at work, but helpless to stop His judgments once they were fully underway. Babylonian sorcerers could see the writing on the wall, but not discern it. Even religious leaders in Jesus’s day were unable to identify the finger of God at work, accusing Him of casting out demons by sorcery.
All three groups were caught by surprise when the Kingdom of God came upon them suddenly.
Malachi 3:5 warns that in the Coming Day of Judgment, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies will be a swift witness to testify against sorcerers, adulterers, perjurers, those who defraud wages, oppress widows, oppress orphans, and deprive foreigners.
Is there a connection between sorcery and adultery?
Sorcery is often paired with seduction and idolatry, resulting in illicit, immoral union or adultery, both physically and spiritually. Covenant language all throughout the Bible discusses the harlot bride who has strayed from her vows and faith in the one true living God by going after other gods she has not known. Spiritual adultery is the fruit of idolatry.
In Revelation 2, Jesus warns 2 separate churches to repent from behaviors associated with sorcery, idolatry, and adultery.
Thyatira’s church faces very serious judgment for non-repentance with reflections back to the 10th Plague of Egypt or Babylon’s Humiliation in Isaiah 47 as children are struck dead. Pergamum’s church was located in the same city as the ancient world’s largest medical complex and school – The Asklepion (note that the writer of the blog linked here is not a Christian–she clearly explains the pagan rites of this “healing center”). Both churches are warned about the idolatry, sorcery, and immoral unions encouraged by Jezebel and Balaam – who instructed others to seduce God’s people to sin. Both churches are warned that they are at enmity with Him if they remain unrepentant.
What is pharmakeia and its associated profession?
According to Strong’s Greek concordance, Pharmakos is related to the word pharmakon, defined as a composite of remedy, poison, and a scapegoat (human preferably, but also animals.) It is connected to the Greek word for plough, derived from words meaning to cut, pierce or scrape.
We know that the last days will be as in the Days of Noah. Interestingly, the name Noah means comfort and he is credited by rabbinical scholars for inventing the plow.
Pharmaceuticals often provide comfort from fear and symptoms associated with an illness or condition, but may not necessarily heal the root cause of the person’s medical condition no matter how many times symptoms are addressed.
Pharmakeia (Strong’s Greek 5331) appears in Galatians 5:20 regarding the acts of the flesh which include: sorcery, sexual immorality, impurity, debauchery, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, and orgies. Walking by the Holy Spirit prevents us from gratifying works of the flesh.
Pharmakeia also appears in Revelation 18 where it is revealed that Babylon the Great, the mother of prostitutes and abominations on earth has deceived all of the nations with her sorceries (pharmakeia). All of the kings of the earth were immoral with her – again connecting heads of state with this particular sin.
Pharmakeia is defined by Strong’s as “the use of medicine, drugs or spells, or the practice of administering drugs, drug-related sorcery, or the practice of magical arts.” In the Septuagint, we find this word used twice in Isaiah 47 again during the humiliation of Babylon as the prophet delivers a message from the Most High God that she would experience the loss of her children and become a widow in one day even if she takes her stand with her spells and sorceries. Isaiah exhorts her to continue in her ways because perhaps she will succeed or inspire terror (Isaiah 47:9, Isaiah 47:12). Babylon is a god in her own eyes.
In that culture, the use of pharmakeia drugs also served as abortifacients, largely so the immoral sexual activity could continue without consequence and temple prostitutes could retain their figures. The use of such products are prohibited in the Didache, an early church document providing newly converting, formerly pagan Gentiles with the basics of faith in Christ.
Pharmakeus (Strong’s Greek 5332) is identified in Revelation 21:8 as an occupation within sorcery (pharmakon) identified as a “druggist or preparer of poisons.” There is religious fervor of strongly held beliefs included with this occupation.
The pharmakeus mixes together potions, drugs, or poisons to work magic to weave pseudo (false) supernatural stunts and illusions (deceptions). defines poison from a medical perspective as “ Any substance that can cause severe organ damage or death if ingested, breathed in, injected into the body or absorbed through the skin.” They go on to point out that many substances that normally cause no problems, including water and most vitamins, can be poisonous if taken in excessive quantity. Poisoning typically requires treatment to recover and is tailored as an antidote to the poison. First the poison, then the cure.
The individuals preparing, and using, these preparations often believe they have special spiritual powers that do not operate with scripture – such as the ability to end or extend life or heal.
The truth is only the One True God heals, gives life, or takes it away.
Our medical gods can be found in modern medicine, alternative medicine, or even obsession with physical health above our spiritual health. It becomes idolatrous when we choose to give credit to any of those things for healing instead of the God who heals us.
Again, to recap what we have learned:
Pharmakeia is connected to fear, sorcery, idolatry, and adultery in a strong religious bond of faith.
Sorcery and Pharmakeia are used by heads of state throughout the Bible, and by all the kings of the earth at the end of time.
Pharmakeia uses poison which has adverse effects of harming through severe organ damage or death if it is ingested, breathed in, injected, or absorbed under the skin.
Pharmakeia is associated with abortion, child/human sacrifice, and animal sacrifice.
Those who engage in pharmakeia are preparing, distributing, and administering these substances and practices and/or receiving them.
Pharmakeia is a false hope and deception of false peace, false healing and a false future.
Participation in sorcery activities without repentance prevents a person of receiving the Holy Spirit.
Participation in pharmakeia without repentance forfeits a person’s right to enter the Kingdom of God.
Participation in pharmakeia without repentance places people in danger of the lake of fire, which is the second death.
Does that mean all medicines or medical practices are inherently evil?
What this means is that it is imperative that we seek God, and test the spirits, to ensure we are not participating in it and ONLY operating in His will for us. He alone heals. He alone saves. He alone provides good wisdom and gifts for His children. He alone knows the difference between the knowledge of good and the knowledge of evil. Only His Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth. Not one recorded miraculous healing in His Holy Word indicated any serious adverse events or death.
Walking in obedience and repentance will help you exit the Mystery Babylon or Egyptian healing systems that remain today so that you can come out of it and not share in the sins or expose yourself to the diseases you are at risk for when you continue to operate within it.
The temptation to engage in sorcery and/or idolatry often begins with a significant fear. Idolators and sorcerers would work in concert with each other to sacrifice humans and animals for the perceived provision of health, food, good weather, fertility, etc.
Why aren’t the sick coming to believers for healing today?
Those who believe in Jesus should have the power of healing as a sign that they are operating under the authority of Christ according to Mark 16:17-18 (NASB) which says:
“These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not harm them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
Why aren’t the sick running to the Churches asking for the elders to anoint them with oil instead of running to medical clinics, pharmacies, and hospitals? Why aren’t people begging for handkerchiefs we prayed over like Paul? Or for our shadows to fall on them like Peter?
Depending on the source, 17-18.5% of American hospitals, more than 700 hospitals nationwide, are affiliated with the Christian faith. Are they more successful than non-religiously affiliated hospitals? Why or why not?
True Healing
God promises in His character that He himself defines in Exodus 34 to visit the sins of those who hate Him to the 3rd or 4th generation. Hate is the opposite of love. Jesus defines loving Him as keeping His commandments.
His called out (of her) ones have not kept His commandments well. As such, we have not loved Him like we should and have used His grace as a license to continue sinning – knowingly or unknowingly, rather than repent and stop sinning.
We are just as scared to death of death and sickness as everyone else and that fear and unbelief renders us powerless.
Where do you run first when you are afraid – God or man?
We have forgotten our first, perfect love that casts out all our fears and we must return. If we don’t, our fears will drive us to engage in idolatry and sorcery so that we feel comfortable again. But if we do repent and stop sinning ourselves then experience His healing, perhaps we will be in a better condition to take care of the sick and the hurting who don’t know Him.
When we run to Him first, we are not likely to participate in fear, idolatry, sorcery, or adultery. We are trusting Him as provider, protector, and deliverer to take care of all of our needs. In the world today as these things we have relied on to keep us comfortable are slowly removed, perhaps the Finger of God has come upon us quickly worldwide as a result of His mercy, His goodness, and His kindness to show us where our faith is actually rooted.
If we ask for His help, He is faithful and just to forgive us then point us in the right direction again. He will always point us in the direction of life more abundant. In His great mercy He is slow to anger, exhibiting great patience, so that all will come to repentance.
Abba Father, all your children have gone astray and need the Good Shepherd to lead us and deliver us to true life in You. Help us to inspect ourselves with Your Holy Set Apart Spirit and Your Holy Word of Truth. Help us when we are sad, or sick, or hurting and please give us Your wisdom and knowledge to be able to recognize all forms of sorcery in our lives, and especially pharmakeia. Help us to be strong when we are weak. Help us to walk in Your Ways on the good path in the direction of life everlasting. Gather us up when we stray and say again to us, “This is The Way. Walk in it.” Father help us to repent, rest and then sing as on the night of a festival when You bring healing for Your people as You promise in Isaiah 30.
Be Well, Be Blessed, Be Free and Be the Change you wish to see,
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