The Great Awakening-In God We Trust


Midterm Election Results: What Preppers Can Expect

America is anxiously awaiting the official results of this latest midterm election. There is one thing we know for sure. Elections in the USA have become much more caustic in recent years.

Most importantly, what will the results of this midterm election mean to us preppers? What kind of America are we inheriting and how should we prepare for it.

Greater Surveillance

We have reached a dangerous point with surveillance. It has basically come to life. The surveilling of everything the American people do is an unstoppable force. Whether done through your phone, television, Alexa, Smart TV, Ring, Satellites, or other means we are not even aware of, it’s happening.

Related: If You Own A Mobile Phone This Is What The Government, Google &...

The divisive nature of a two-party system has given way to new boogeymen like militant violent extremists and political terrorists here within the nation’s borders.

A document was leaked within the FBI showing domestic right-wing terrorist markers, signs, and symbols. These included the Gadsden Flag, the Punisher skull, the Betsy Ross Flag and other American History insignia from the revolution.

We have to surveil these people and make sure they do not do anything crazy like shoot fireworks off on the 4th of July. Surveillance on everyday Americans will only increase following the midterm election.

Greater “Safety” Through Government

From monitoring disinformation to imposing health and safety restrictions, the midterm election results will no doubt create a climate in this nation that requires more safety through government.

This will come at a cost, of course. It will mean the growth of government and thanks to greater surveillance your actions as a prepper will be watched with a sharp eye.

The idea of becoming a prepper is growing. There was a 60 minute piece on it just days ago and then there was a Bloomberg piece about the Next Generation of climate change preppers. This idea of self-reliance and independence is not going away.

In the wake of the midterm elections, we are going to see a further push towards tyrannical and oppressive behavior in the nation. It is not enough for the American people to course correct on our own. Instead, the government will use its power to destroy oil and coal production. It will take aim at the agricultural industry, and all of this will hopefully inspire you to keep prepping!

Fuel Shortage

Midterm Election Results What Preppers Can ExpectThe results of the midterm elections have assured us that we have virtually no answer to the fuel shortage that is affecting many nations on our planet. America has a lot of oil flowing under our feet.

Related: What’s the Best Fuel to Stockpile for Survival?

Instead, you need to buckle up and expect higher prices at the pump, high prices to heat your home, and nations abroad to suffer worst of all.

You should have several alternative ways to heat your home. People will be cold this year and some people will die from carbon monoxide poisoning trying to heat their human anyway that they can. Be prepared.

Food Shortages

Midterm Election Results What Preppers Can ExpectAnother problem that has not and will not be addressed despite the outcome of the midterms. Fuel and food are inextricably tied so as the price and availability of food and fuel go up so will the cost of food.

Related: Looming Grain Shortage. Do This Before It’s Too Late

Unfortunately, we may also see a serious drop in production of food brought to market. This is because the cost of farming is already very high, and some farmers have let fields go fallow in the face of things like rising costs and droughts.

The more food that you can produce at home the better! Food storage is always a good thing to have, too. I would recommend 6 months’ worth of food storage at a minimum. I used to recommend 3 months but times they are a changing!

Higher And Higher Prices

Midterm Election Results What Preppers Can ExpectThe midterm election results will have preppers racing further towards self-reliance.

We have all been watching the beginnings of this economic collapse.

Hopefully you have been taking action to shield yourself and your family.

The long in short of it is that you cannot adjust interest rates or employ enough demand destruction to deal with a 30 trillion dollar debt.

Related: How to Keep Your Money Safe for When SHTF

What that means is that your dollar is going to be worth less. Maybe not quite worthless but definitely worth less. The money you have now has more buying power then it will in 3 months.

Transferring paper dollars or fiat wealth into gold, silver, or even Goldbacks, will give you more stability. You should also consider buying things that will truly add value in this new world. These are things like food, medical supplies, skills, tools, barter items and raw land.

If you have been wanting to start that blacksmithing setup, well, now is the time!

Civil Unrest

Midterm Election Results What Preppers Can ExpectThe American people put so much energy into the outcome of elections that this election will undoubtedly end in civil unrest of one kind or another.

Most people are content with idea that America is on a collision course with Civil War.

We have seen violent politically oriented groups on both sides of the political spectrum in action. They exist. These groups will grow their ranks as long as tough times, high prices, and discontent are in the streets of this nation.

The media manipulation doesn’t help things either.

No matter how you slice it, if you are in a densely populated area then you need to be prepared to deal with civil unrest. This means keeping your finger on the pulse of what is happening in your area. Protests can quickly become violent.

You should also put together a plan to respond to people who might come walking down your street with intent to do harm to your property. I recommend paintball guns loaded with pepper balls.

For the prepper who is truly seeking to be self-reliant and independent, the results of this midterm election are going to have very little bearing. In fact, no matter who winds up in power, you should be seeking the ability to survive and thrive outside of that system as possible.

It’s hard to ignore some things like government supported censorship and the targeting of certain groups. Still, we have to start thinking bigger. It is a time to establish alternative means of commerce, agriculture, security, and virtually anything that you hold dear.

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Comment by carol ann parisi on November 20, 2022 at 6:03pm

Sadly, all good things must come to an end.

Even the greatest of civilizations have an expiration date.

This happened to the likes of Ancient Greece and Rome, which were the most advanced civilizations of their respective epochs.

Once prosperous civilizations eventually met their demise after years of economic and military decline.

The arrogance, corruption, and myopia of their respective elites ushered in an irreversible phase of civilizational decline.

For centuries, historians have studied the causes of these civilizations’ respective declines.

Elites of previous centuries did the best they could to understand the lessons of the past, and in turn, attempted to build political structures that would avoid similar fates of decline.

The Founding Fathers of the American Republic made sure to learn the lessons of Greece and Rome and create a system of government that would prevent many of the fatal mistakes these civilizations previously made.

While the American experiment has largely been successful, it is starting to go through a predictable phase of civilizational decay.

The past century has witnessed the American political class pursue policies that go against the very nature of the founding of the American Republic. Namely, the adherence to the principles of limited government.

The excessive domestic and military spending, the out-of-control monetary policy, and the cultural decadence…..

Just some of the hallmarks of a civilization that’s clearly in a stage of decay.

It will take a massive awakening of the American populace to reverse course and prevent the country from falling down the predictable route of civilizational collapse.

The US will be no exception to this trend if things don’t reverse course anytime soon.

In the meantime, make sure to check out George Gammon’s video on how the American Empire could potentially collapse.
Comment by carol ann parisi on November 19, 2022 at 4:07pm
Comment by carol ann parisi on November 19, 2022 at 4:05pm

Comment by carol ann parisi on November 19, 2022 at 4:04pm

Size of Federal Reserve's balance sheet 2007-2022


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