Simply stated, Neighborhood Organizing consists of identifying like-minded neighbors in your neighborhood and making sure they vote in elections. By pursuing this civic responsibility, citizens will put government back in the hands of the people, one neighborhood at a time.
Neighborhood Organizing consists of engaging your neighbors in a focused manner with door-to-door canvassing, volunteer phone calls, and neighborhood meetings. Historical and statistical evidence show that these actions will increase your like-minded neighbors’ political clout and win elections.
“Tea Party” rallies are like pep rallies prior to sporting events. They are great for building excitement, but they do not win games. The actual game in politics is Getting-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) to win elections and this is accomplished with Neighborhood Organizing. It requires informed, passionate volunteers and it can be pursued without needing money. Consequently, the millions of informed, passionate volunteers associated with the “Tea Party” movement are well-equipped to play this “game” through Neighborhood Organizing.
Neighborhood Organizing has the strongest statistical correlation with Getting-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) and winning elections according to Get Out The Vote, Second Edition: How to Increase Voter Turnout , which was written by two Yale Professors, Donald P. Green and Alan S. Gerber, published in 2008. These findings are further corroborated by Robert A. Heinlein, who wrote Take Back Your Government in 1946, based on his own experience in politics. He states: “Remember at all times …the votes are in the precincts. … Club meetings are primarily to arouse and hold together your volunteers …Rallies are for morale building primarily and secondarily for publicity. …It isn't hard to get adherents to your cause. …Volunteer campaigns should not cost much… Elections are not won with dollars.” Net, Neighborhood Organizing methods worked in 1946 and are still relevant today! You canJOIN US IN TRAININGS AND AT OUR MEETINGS and learn all about Neighborhood Organizing best practices.
Neighborhood Organizing was successfully used by Democrats in 2008 to gain control of the House, Senate, and Presidency with only 20% of the population being liberal. Just think what can be accomplished by engaging and mobilizing the 76% of voters who consider themselves conservatives or moderates and who have decided to be the “Silent Majority” no more!
Neighborhood Organizing is Gaining Momentum
We continue to be motivated by the many individuals and patriot organizations around the country who have come to the realization that Neighborhood Organizing is required to win elections this November and beyond.
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