$45.4 Trillion:
Total Federal Spending Proposed By Obama's FY2013 Budget Through 2022.(CBO, 3/16/12)
$25. 9 Trillion:
Projected Federal Debt In 2022 Due To Obama's Binge Spending.(OMB, 2/13/12)
$15.6 Trillion:
Current National Debt ($ 15,618,640,279,582.90 ).(U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 4/10/12)
$10.3 Trillion:
Amount Obama's FY2012 Budget Would Add To The Debt Through FY2022.(OMB, 2/13/12)
$6.4 Trillion:
Cumulative Deficits Over FY2013-2022.(CBO, 3/16/12)
$4.99 Trillion:
Added To The National Debt Since Obama Took Office. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 3/10/12)
$4.8 Trillion:
Total Interest Payments On The National Debt Due To Obama's Proposed Budget, FY2013-2022.(CBO, 3/16/12)
$2.6 Trillion:
True Cost Of ObamaCare Once Fully Implemented. (Office Of The Speaker Of The U.S. House Of Representatives, Report, 1/6/11)
$1.9 Trillion:
Higher Taxes In Obama's Budget.(OMB, 2/13/12)
$1.75 Trillion:
Annual Cost Of Federal Regulations.(Small Business Administration, September 2010)
$1.416 Trillion:
Federal Budget Deficit For FY2009 - Highest In U.S. History.(CBO, 10/7/10)
$1.298 Trillion:
Federal Budget Deficit For FY2011 - Second Highest In U.S. History.(CBO, 10/7/11)
$1.294 Trillion:
Federal Budget Deficit For FY2010 - Third Highest In U.S. History.(CBO, 10/7/10)
$1.253 Trillion:
Projected Federal Budget Deficit For FY2012.(CBO, 3/16/12)
$1.18 Trillion:
$1.16 Trillion:
American Debt Held By China.(U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 4/10/12)
$831 Billion:
Price Tag Of Obama's First Failed Stimulus. (CBO, 1/31/12)
$575 Billion:
Amount Of Medicare Cuts In ObamaCare. (CMS Chief Actuary Richard S. Foster, Memo, 4/22/10)
$491.7 Billion:
Amount Of Taxes In ObamaCare. (Letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 3/18/10;Joint Committee On Taxation, 3/2/10)
$447 Billion:
Price Tag Of Obama's Second Stimulus.(The White House, 9/8/11)
$347.1 Billion:
Debt Service Costs For Borrowing To Pay For Obama's First Stimulus.(CBO, 1/27/09)
$231 Billion:
Burden Of New Regulations Imposed In 2011. (American Action Network, 1/2/12)
$175 Billion:
Increased Spending In Obama's Second Stimulus.(CBO, 10/5/11)
$150 Billion:
Taxpayer Funds For Fannie Mae And Freddie Mac.(Reuters, 3/25/12)
$24 Billion:
Stimulus Funds Sent To Tax Cheats. (Government Accountability Office, April 2011)
$23.8 Billion:
Amount Government Expects To Lose On Bailouts Of Auto Industry.(The Detroit News, 1/30/12)
$1.3 Billion:
Amount Taxpayers Will Not Recover From Bailout Of Chrysler.(FactCheck.org, 6/6/11)
$535 Million:
Stimulus Loan To The Failed Solar Company Solyndra.(The Oakland Tribune, 11/4/10)
133 Million:
Annual Paperwork Burden Hours Imposed By Regulators In 2011.(American Action Network, 1/2/12)
$74.2 Million:
Obama Campaign Cash Raised By Bundlers.(Federral Election Commission, FEC.gov, Accessed 4/9/12; "Obama For America And Obama Victory Fund 2012 Volunteer Fundraisers," BarackObama.com, Accessed 4/9/12)
49.1 Million:
Number Of Americans Living In Poverty (Supplemental Poverty Measure).(US Census Bureau, 11/7/11)
46.4 Million:
Record Number Of Americans Receiving Food Stamps.(Department Of Agriculture, Accessed 4/10/12)
46.2 Million:
Record Number Of Americans Living In Poverty (Official Measure).(U.S. Census Bureau, 9/13/11)
$18 Million:
Cost Of The Stimulus Website Recovery.org. (ABC News' "The Note,"7/8/09)
12.7 Million:
Unemployed Americans.(Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 4/10/12)
7.9 Million:
Foreclosure Filings Since Obama Took Office.(RealtyTrac, Accessed 3/31/12)
7.7 Million:
Americans Working Part-Time For Economic Reasons. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 4/10/12)
6.3 Million:
Number Of Americans That Fell Into Poverty Since Obama Took Office. (U.S. Census Bureau, 9/13/11)
5.8 Million:
Number Of Mortgages Either 30 Days Delinquent Or In Foreclosure.(Lender Processing Services, 4/10/12)
5.3 Million:
Americans Unemployed 27 Weeks Or Longer. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 4/10/12)
4 Million:
Workers Granted Waivers So That ObamaCare Would Not Outlaw Their Health Care Plan.(HHS.gov, Accessed 4/10/12)
2.3 Million:
Foreclosure Starts During 2011.( Lender Processing Services , 1/20/12)
1.59 Million:
Personal Bankruptcies In 2010.( United States Courts , 2/15/11)
$1.5 Million:
Stimulus Funds Sent To Indonesia To Discourage Air Pollution In Jakarta.(The Daily Caller, 7/7/11)
1.47 Million:
Personal Bankruptcies In 2009.( United States Courts , 2/15/11)
1.35 Million:
Personal Bankruptcies In 2011.(Los Angeles Times , 1/5/12)
Construction Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office.(Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 4/10/12)
Americans That Have Given Up Looking For Work.(Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 4/10/12)
Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office.(Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 4/10/12)
Manufacturing Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 4/10/12)
Cost Per A Stimulus Job.( The Weekly Standard , 7/6/11)
Private Sector Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office.(Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 4/10/12)
The Number Of Stimulus Checks Sent To Dead Or Incarcerated People.( The Wall Street Journal , 10/7/10)
Record Number Of Pages Added To The Federal Register In 2010.(Competitive Enterprise Institute , 2011)
Number Of Heavy And Civil Engineering Construction Jobs Lost Since The Stimulus Was Passed.(Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 4/10/12)
Your Share Of The National Debt. (U.S. Treasury Department Accessed 4/10/12; U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 4/10/12)
Pages Of New Rules Added To The Federal Register During Obama's First Two Years In Office.( Competitive Enterprise Institute , 2011)
The Number Of Jobs Obama Knew His Drilling Moratorium Would Kill.( The Wall Street Journal , 8/21/10)
Increase In Your Share Of The National Debt Since Obama Took Office. (U.S. Treasury Department Accessed 4/10/12; U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 4/10/12)
Annual Cost Per Household From Federal Regulations.(Small Business Administration, September 2010)
Negative Effect Of Debt On Gross National Product Per Person In 2035.(CBO, 6/22/11)
Cost Per Employee That Federal Regulations Place On Small Businesses. (Small Business Administration, September 2010)
Number Of Tax Delinquents Who Received Stimulus Funds.(Government Accountability Office, April 2011)
Year Federal Spending Will Reach 50 Percent Of GDP.(CBO, 6/22/11)
Year That Federal Debt Will Reach 200 Percent Of GDP.(CBO, 6/22/11)
Year That The Social Security Trust Fund Will Be Exhausted.(Th
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