The Great Awakening-In God We Trust


The Problem: A Government-Created  Depression

The Solution:Set Entrepreneurs FREE to Create Wealth and Prosperity

Heroes are people who accomplish extraordinary feats under extraordinarily difficult  circumstances, such as the firefighters who marched into the World Trade Center towers  on 9/11 in an attempt to save lives, while everyone else was scurrying to get out.

But there's another kind of hero — one who  makes a living accomplishing extraordinary feats under extraordinarily difficult  circumstances every day of the year. The hero I'm referring to is  the Entrepreneur.

The Entrepreneur believes in the right of the individual to go as far as his talents  and efforts can take him — and, just as important, the right of the  exceptional individual to be allowed to be exceptional.

He is America's great unsung hero because of his creativity,  resiliency, and willingness to take risks, which have resulted in giving Western  civilization the highest standard of living the world has ever known.

The Entrepreneur thrives on challenges, and his day-to-day eating habits are  directly tied to what he produces. In other words, he has no safety net. He gets  results or he starves. When an Entrepreneur fails, it is not uncommon for him to lose  everything. And when he does, his employees go on to the next job while he goes on to  face his creditors.

Many of the most famous people in our nation's history (e.g.,  Thomas Jefferson) have suffered this fate as a result of risking everything because  they believed so strongly in their ventures.

As an entrepreneur myself and a small business owner  for fifteen years, I am convinced that entrepreneurs are America’s  great unsung heroes. Wall Street may know how wealth is traded, but entrepreneurs know  how wealth and prosperity are created.

— Senator Jim  DeMint

The Entrepreneur's Eternal  Nemesis

The progressive is the natural enemy of the Entrepreneur, and thus an enemy of human  progress. In fact, the term progressive is a misnomer. Based on decades of  empirical evidence, progressives are actually retrogressives, because their  words and actions make it clear that, in reality, they hate progress.

The driving force behind retrogressivism is an acronym I like to refer to as GAVEAD  (guilt, arrogance, victimization, envy, anger, demonization). These negative  character flaws are powerful human failings that cause people to place their desire for  wealth without work above moral considerations.

The Retrogressive has been moving the United States away from liberty and toward  servitude for more than a hundred years. And this, in turn, has stifled the  Entrepreneur and prevented him from into tapping his full potential to create products  and services that improve mankind's existence.

The Retrogressive deplores the idea of people taking responsibility for their own  lives and seeking success on their own merits. Thus, the Entrepreneur, by creating jobs  and stimulating the economy, undermines the Retrogressive's agenda  for achieving power over others through government transfer-of-wealth schemes.

In an effort to stifle the Entrepreneur's efforts to create  products and services that people want, retrogressive government taxes him at every  turn, burdens him with endless regulations, and relentlessly harasses him. And because  the Retrogressive is absolutely certain that his beliefs are morally superior to those  of the Entrepreneur who produces goods and services in the marketplace, he has no  qualms about using force, if necessary, to achieve his ends.


Putting It All on the Line

Robert Ringer is a New York Times #1 bestselling author and host of the highly acclaimed    Liberty Education Interview Series, which features interviews with top political, economic, and social leaders on the most vital issues of the day.

Ringer has appeared on Fox News, Fox Business, The Tonight Show, Today, The Dennis  Miller Show, and Good Morning America, among others, and has been the subject of feature articles in such major publications as Time,  Fortune, and The Wall Street Journal.

The typical Entrepreneur is willing to risk everything in exchange for being his own  boss and having the opportunity — not the guarantee— to become far more successful than would be possible in a  nine-to-five job.

Why would anyone want to spend an enormous amount of his time, energy, and financial  resources, knowing that he might end up with nothing? Answer: to make a lot of  money!

That's what motivates the Entrepreneur. Not helping people,   not "promoting world peace,"   not protecting the human race from global cooling or global  warming (whichever happens to be in vogue at any given time).

None of this means that the Entrepreneur does not care about others. Nor does it  mean he is not civic minded or charitable. It's just that none of  these attributes have anything to do with his chief business objective  — making money.

As difficult as it may be for the Retrogressive to accept, a business is not a  charity. The purpose of a business is to make money — period!

The bonus to all this, however, is that as a result of his pursuit of profits, and  through the invisible hand of the marketplace, the Entrepreneur also creates jobs,  produces products and services that people want, and does the one thing that government  can never hope to accomplish: stimulate the economy.

The Retrogressive likes to argue that the Entrepreneur acts in his own  self-interest, and he's absolutely right. But so does everyone else!  The fact is that self-interest is neither good nor bad. It's simply  a human trait.

The way the Entrepreneur acts in his own self-interest is by producing products and  services that other people want, which he hopes will increase his own wealth. On the  other hand, those who live off the efforts of others also act in their own  self-interest.

But there's a big difference between the two. The unintended  consequence of the Entrepreneur's self-interest provides benefits to  others, while the self-interest of those who are parasitic does great harm to the  overall economy and makes life more difficult for individuals they will never even  meet. Thus, the invisible hand of the marketplace works in both directions.

The smart Entrepreneur knows that in order to achieve his financial objectives, he  must create value for others. He knows that if he does not give you the best products  and services at the lowest possible prices, his competitors will be more than happy to  do so in an effort to win your business.

Robert Ringer skillfully maps out the severe  repression the progressive agenda imposes on the American entrepreneurial spirit. Our  nation was founded on risk taking. Ringer clearly outlines our moral and constitutional  foundation and defines the convictions necessary for an entrepreneur's drive for  success to overcome fear of failure.

— Congressman Steve        King

Dealing with Failure

The Entrepreneur is not afraid of failure, because he realizes that every failure  serves as a positive learning experience. He understands that each failure brings him  one step closer to success.

Thus, when the Entrepreneur gets tripped up, he does not want help from the  government. On the contrary, what he wants is for the government to leave him  alone.

A successful Entrepreneur has the mental toughness to pick himself up, brush himself  off, and move on to the next deal. And when he moves on, he does so with an arsenal  that contains a considerable amount of newly acquired knowledge and wisdom.

Nevertheless, the Retrogressive dreams of a life that is risk free. What he does not  understand is that people must be allowed to fail, because when you take away the right  to fail, you take away creativity and resourcefulness. If there were no risks involved,  everyone would be an Entrepreneur.


Is Greed Good?

Contrary to the Retrogressive's belief that the government must  regulate "greedy" Entrepreneurs, the market, through the  law of supply and demand, is an infinitely more effective regulator than all of the  politicians in the world combined.

In fact, it would be accurate to say that the market is never wrong, because it  always rewards those who produce products and services at prices people are willing to  pay and punishes those who do not.

The Entrepreneur is often accused of being "greedy"  — and, indeed, he is. Greed is, quite simply, the desire to acquire  more of something, and the reality is that all human beings possess such a desire.

But different people have different desires. One person might desire to acquire  material wealth by providing products or services that people are willing to purchase  from him, while another person might desire to acquire power over others by leading or  joining a crusade of some kind. But regardless of their objectives, all people are  "greedy" in the sense that they have a  "desire to acquire."

Though the audience was set up to hiss and boo when Gordon Gekko, in the 1987 movie  Wall Street, spewed out those now-famous words, "Greed is  good," the fact is that greed, like self-interest, is neither good nor bad;  it's neutral. It's only the methods that a person  employs to fulfill his desires (i.e., satisfy his  "greed") that are good or bad.

So long as the Entrepreneur does not use force or fraud against anyone, he need not  apologize for being "greedy" — and  certainly not for any success he is able to achieve through raw ambition and hard  work.

In his book, Robert Ringer's  portrait of the entrepreneur as a target of oppressive government is not only  informative, but startling in its presentation. His examples are an eye-opening history  lesson. If you're not sure you are an entrepreneur, you will clearly  know after reading this book.

— Herman Cain Former President and CEO of Godfather's  Pizza

Liberty or Tyranny: Which will it  be?

It is important to realize that the far left never retreats. It is has been trudging  forward in America for at least a hundred years, which is why the war between the  Retrogressive and the Entrepreneur is never-ending.

Thus, the major question of our time is, which side shall prevail? Will it be the  Retrogressive, who extols the virtues of a collectivist society in which men and women  are living, breathing automatons?

Or will it be the Entrepreneur, who passionately believes in the right of the  individual to determine his own destiny, to work as hard as he chooses, to earn as much  as he possibly can, and to keep the fruits of his labor?

It is the entrepreneurial spirit that has always moved America forward, and it is  the Entrepreneur who is most capable of leading the charge to resurrect the American  way of life that our parents and grandparents experienced.

We were never meant to be a collectivist society. Our Founding Fathers fought for a  society based on individual rights, entrepreneurship, and, above all, liberty. The  Retrogressive is the enemy not only of the Entrepreneur, but of all people of goodwill  whose lives are enhanced by the Entrepreneur's efforts.

In a true laissez-faire economy, government never would have been allowed to go  beyond its original purpose of protecting the lives and property of its citizens  — and the Entrepreneur would have been able to create wealth on a  scale that is impossible for the Retrogressive to comprehend.

Some people marvel at how far mankind, through the efforts of the Entrepreneur, has  advanced in such a short period of time. But what they marvel at is not a reflection of  the his true potential; it is his true potential minus government  intervention.

In other words, it is the Entrepreneur, not government, who built America and made  it the most prosperous nation in the history of the world. And the only way for the  U.S. to snatch economic victory from the jaws of economic defeat is for the government  to get out of the way of the Entrepreneur and allow him to once again move the country  forward.

Set free to act in his own best interests, the Entrepreneur,  America's great unsung hero, has the capacity to be the driving  force behind a new and revitalized America with unlimited possibilities for improving  the well-being of its citizens.

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